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recently, while honoring its musical director, one of the staff dropped a bomb and suggested that 12 was getting a remake along with 7
With that it was later confirmed that they are indeed working on something with FF12 and Arnie here just spilled the beans.
always a favorite of mine Im still playing it years after(this year Im doing the Zodiac version)
My question above however is pretty much a pet peeve of mine.
I enjoyed both games- but I found 10 heavily flawed and filled with plot holes that sin himself could fit into.
(for instance why did no one else think to just stay as the ghost like apparitions once they died?- sin cant hurt a ghost)
(why does anyone follow sin having already been dead for years anyway?)
Or my favorite
(why is Wakka a party member? wakka is racist and stubborn, even insulted rikkus people right in front of her as they escape her home burning IN THEIR FREAKEN AIRSHIP!)- seriously fuck that guy/
Realistic characters are one thing but youre playing a fantasy Id liek the racists and stubborn asshats be the ignorant towns folk- not the involved protector of a Hero.
Anyway thats off track; my question is- Whats wrong with Final fantasy 12s story that fans are repulsed by?
What made that epic tale of struggling countries in the midst of war and technology so ard for ff fans to appreciate?
Im so puzzled as to why the last great final fantasy game is lumped in with the likes of 10 and 13
Its a pet peeve I hope someone can answer.
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Spoiler alerts throughout my post.
On the subject of Final Fantasy X:
First off, Wakka is a party member because he's one of Yuna's Guardians, and is considered family.
Many people in Final Fantasy X's world didn't like Al Bhed because they believed it was machina that caused Sin to appear, and they need to stop using machina to make Sin go away. The Al Bhed use forbidden machina and constantly bash Yevon, which is what Wakka and many others in the world follow.
Although Yevon was corrupt, it was his beliefs at the time, so he was "Racist" per se, but only because he blamed the Al Bhed like many did. He took his beliefs to the extreme with his hatred, though, and he especially didn't know of Yuna's relation to Al Bhed. If he did, it's probable that he may have re-thought it from the beginning. How could he hate someone he cared so much for?
People could be Sent by a summoner, so they can't stay as a ghost forever. Also, they turn into Fiends if they do that.
In X-2, you see many Unsent turn into Fiends right in front of you, so it's likely not possible to stay Unsent for too long.
People also didn't follow Sin. Generally, they followed Yevon, and they felt the cycle was unbreakable. Also the higher-ups in Yevon didn't want to lose everyone they were controlling. As was stated earlier, Yevon was corrupt, and enjoyed the control they had over people. Many of them knew of the death of the others, and didn't really care (Except one, who was quickly eliminated).
And I don't think Unsent are invincible. Otherwise, Seymour would've been alive after slaying him towards the end of X.
On the subject of XII:
Personally, I love XII as well. I see nothing to be repulsed by, and I don't know many who are repulsed by it.
My only complaint was with the Zodiac Job System in the International version.
I avoid that like it's the plague.
It's an awesome game overall that I thoroughly enjoy, from beginning to end. XII is wonderful, and I can't say enough good things about it, really
If XII is getting a remake, I would love for them to have an option to toggle between IZJS and Normal. Lots of people root for IZJS only for some reason, but taking away choice seems to be wrong to me-- especially when you don't like IZJS.
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(08-18-2015, 04:15 AM)Bounty Hunter Lani Wrote: On the subject of Final Fantasy X:
First off, Wakka is a party member because he's one of Yuna's Guardians, and is considered family.
Many people in Final Fantasy X's world didn't like Al Bhed because they believed it was machina that caused Sin to appear, and they need to stop using machina to make Sin go away. The Al Bhed use forbidden machina and constantly bash Yevon, which is what Wakka and many others in the world follow.
Although Yevon was corrupt, it was his beliefs at the time, so he was "Racist" per se, but only because he blamed the Al Bhed like many did. He took his beliefs to the extreme with his hatred, though, and he especially didn't know of Yuna's relation to Al Bhed. If he did, it's probable that he may have re-thought it from the beginning. How could he hate someone he cared so much for?
Except his racism persists after he learns the truth about the nature of yevon as a religion. He says this most insulting thing- To the cousin of his summoner after witnessing his religions evil first hand- that is not a hero, that is a pathetic racist afraid to move on. literally no one else on the party feels the same- not even close. because theyre more honest- and care much more about the people than he does.
he still even remarks how unbelivable it is theyre fighting a maester when they reveal their deception.
Which doesnt make sense
cause they live forever; theres no reason to protect yevon or to cause this illusion. I can understand one or two people becoming the Nihilists like Yunaleska and Saemor did. but I dont believe its reasonable to have literally every summoner and guardian agree with that for centuries.
Also I dont know the rules for becoming a fiend. Maesters and Auron are Exempt? for convenience to be sure, also theyre made out of the same stuff the Aeons are. which means Aeons are fiends as well.( remember the dead summoner who gives you the Magus sisters?) Too many immortals with conscience This is still a plot hole. Even Jehct has his mind still after being turned into sins armor.
Yevon himself is A shell of his old self, hes the only one with a stake at keeping sin working. None of the maesters have any reason to support sin- theres no buy out- theyre already immortal- theyd have power regardless just for being religious leaders- all the selfishness is supported by the false religion- but theres no need for that religion to be centered around propagating the enemy sin. The control and money they have would be gained no matter what they spout- and sin gives nothing back to them. Still a big plot hole.
As for 12 I personally prefer the zodiac- why? cause thats choice- having access to everything encourages players to go for the best armor-weapon and skills available- theres not strategy in that. the zodiac jobs offered different ideas to be explored- and the rebalances to the weapons also make it worthwhile as they were buffed and depriced where needed and the Zodiac spears ridiculous condition was removed.
Albiet the new ultimate weapons are in invisable boxes that dont always appear, Id like them to remove those entirely- I dont see why anyone would make that kind of mechanic. but thankfully Im usually fine as long as I have access to atleast one famualhalt. that gun is my favorite/
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First-- prove to me that Wakka stays the racist guy he always was after the Home incident. He clearly changed, especially after finding out about Yuna's lineage.
Second-- He didn't know about Yevon's deception at the point where he remarks he can't believe they're fighting a Maester. That was the first battle with Seymour, which was the battle that killed him and made him an Unsent.
Third-- The point of the Summoners and the Pilgrimage is to make the Summoner strong enough for the Final Aeon summoning, which destroys Sin and gives a Calm that lasts for a while. After the Calm is over, Sin returns due to Yu Yevon taking over the Final Aeon's body.
Fourth-- The ones who give you Aeons are NOT ghosts, they're the Fayth that sacrificed themselves to become the Aeons. Seymour's mother became Anima, and you can get her and even use her.
Fifth-- I'm not sure the Maesters even support Sin. It's an inevitability that Sin returns, because they believe the Final Summoning is the only way to kill it, which in turn makes Yu Yevon take it over and it repeats again. They run the show, so the power is there.
Sixth-- I'm not sure on the rules of the Unsent is either, but most people don't stay Unsent for over a few years before becoming Fiends. The Unsent resent the living, according to some people in the game, which is what makes them turn into Fiends. I'm sure if we had watched over many of them before they got Sent, they may have turned into Fiends eventually.
Finally, limiting the equipment to classes when you could originally equip anything and get nice and unique setups? I find it annoying. I wanna have a bow with some heavy armor. What's wrong with that?
Well, I can't do that in IZJS. My choice was taken from me.
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(08-18-2015, 05:00 AM)Bounty Hunter Lani Wrote: First-- prove to me that Wakka stays the racist guy he always was after the Home incident. He clearly changed, especially after finding out about Yuna's lineage.
"Boom like happy festival fireworks"
-wakka trying to "cheer" up rikku after witnissing home being burned down by yevon.
Second-- He didn't know about Yevon's deception at the point where he remarks he can't believe they're fighting a Maester. That was the first battle with Seymour, which was the battle that killed him and made him an Unsent.
- he reitterates this all the way up to the last time you fight saemore And the last time -5th time fighting saemore- hes finally over it.
In fact hes not totally dedicated to the idea until they fight yunaleska.
Third-- The point of the Summoners and the Pilgrimage is to make the Summoner strong enough for the Final Aeon summoning, which destroys Sin and gives a Calm that lasts for a while. After the Calm is over, Sin returns due to Yu Yevon taking over the Final Aeon's body.
The maesters are fully aware that yu yevon is no diety nor an inevitability- theyre all nihilists who think death the only salvation- I simply disagree that this level of stupidity is actually as broad- I still think they get nothing from propogating the religion to fuel sins returns- they know the pilgrimage is worthless.
Fourth-- The ones who give you Aeons are NOT ghosts, they're the Fayth that sacrificed themselves to become the Aeons. Seymour's mother became Anima, and you can get her and even use her.
They are ghosts- however they re-purposed themselves to use their spirit to help defeat sin, They died long ago when sin first attacked Zanarkand.(also zanarkand did not have summoners- which means none of them were sent, and they didnt even have a problem before sin with monsters so I think SIN yu yevon specefically forces the change as sin comes near(because sin often attracts fiends- this may be due to his own magic.rather then a natural conversion- but its left vague for writters convenience.)
Fifth-- I'm not sure the Maesters even support Sin. It's an inevitability that Sin returns, because they believe the Final Summoning is the only way to kill it, which in turn makes Yu Yevon take it over and it repeats again. They run the show, so the power is there.
the maester that auron knows spills the beans that they know during yunas trial/
they allow the pilgrimage for hope only- because it does them no good to correct them- however it doesnt explian why its explicate in their religion when they have no stake at all and are infact more in danger if summoners discover the truth. thats why theyre so quick to discard their own rules to capture yuna- but ultimately it makes no sense for them to allow summoners through. and I must be right about that- two summoners defeated them.
Sixth-- I'm not sure on the rules of the Unsent is either, but most people don't stay Unsent for over a few years before becoming Fiends. The Unsent resent the living, according to some people in the game, which is what makes them turn into Fiends. I'm sure if we had watched over many of them before they got Sent, they may have turned into Fiends eventually.
(I already adressed this up there) zanarkand creates a plot hole for you. theres no summoners in zanarkand, before sin.
Finally, limiting the equipment to classes when you could originally equip anything and get nice and unique setups? I find it annoying. I wanna have a bow with some heavy armor. What's wrong with that?
Well, I can't do that in IZJS. My choice was taken from me. 
I still disagree- choice is only worthwhile if those choices have meaningful conclusions. with jobs- you have to think of class chemistry- as well as how you want to play personally- when you have access to everything you get all the licenses- and you equip the objective best armor and weapon on everyone- and you can still use the best magiks. some weapons were just not as good because you had better alternatives- why use a knife or ninja sword? you could use a katana or sword and shield combo for better effect. There was no reason to run a full mage- everyone could get the cure and raise spells. everybody could use Shock objectively the best spell cause its animation time was so low. and you could spam it pretty often.
the jobs give more context to the great weapon they made- the way they made guns and bombs was so neat but rarely used because why use them? you could get more damage output from an axe then a gun. See what I mean? all the combos are still avialable- its just now each class has its own usefulness, and your gambits are more important- as they should be- they also rebalanced the weapons and repriced everything. they changed it specifically because player data showed players didnt choose unique loadouts. they listened to their data and fans to make it more important as a feature. and I think that offers better expirience- I have a red mage-white mage- machinist archer- samurai - and vann as the thief class- and Ive never felt better about my load outs before- Im editing my gambits alot more and changing equipment often to improve their personal preferences in places I want them in. ALSO
the zodiac has a speed hack built right into the game- that way I can fight with the quickness and it doesnt ruin the music. So grinding is made more tolerable. which I appreciate- and hope to helll thats what the remake is like again- just more weapons prettier designes- NO LOADING MAPS! and some new enemies and places to go. hell more jobs would also be nice- maybe a bangaa- or seeq could be in the guest slot when a character like larsa isnt in their. Im just so excited Ihope it comes out soonish!
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I remember having my mind blown, crying like a baby and loving every second of FFX as a kid (I was... 13 I believe). I'm sure it's a flawed mess but they say the best Final Fantasy is the one you grew up with. For me, that's FFX.
And who doesn't have a crush on Yuna? *_*
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(08-18-2015, 06:10 AM)MetalRenard Wrote: I remember having my mind blown, crying like a baby and loving every second of FFX as a kid (I was... 13 I believe). I'm sure it's a flawed mess but they say the best Final Fantasy is the one you grew up with. For me, that's FFX.
And who doesn't have a crush on Yuna? *_*
Ahem for me It was Freya~ which was the first time I discovered furries too- I thought I just was weird until then.
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Here's my thing... I can't stand anything Final Fantasy X and on up... My favorite Final Fantasy(s) will always be 6,7, and 8...
I especially love 7 and 8, Possibly even 9 for its use of the pre-rendered backdrop. It might have been Playstation, but it looked like a million bucks when it was going. Sometimes it actually becaem dfficult to determine what was the pre-rendered backdrop, and what was the actual polygon....
The Final Fantasy I played the most? FF8
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And yet I find 7 quite boring and couldn't finish it. ^_^
Whatever are we to do? :(
(Please nobody mention the disaster that is X-2)
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I never played any Final Fantasy games, though I have watched my bro play X when I was younger...
The story I find a lot more saddening than at the time when I was younger, especially Tidus's fate.
"Turning iron ore into iron swords is a hard process, for one must first dig out the rock, and melt it to refine it, then one must pour that metal into a mould, let it cool a bit, and pound on it while it cools even further. Games are no different." - Ahzoh
Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Vrkhazhian
ʾEšol ḵavud ʾelẕakud lav ʾezʾaẕud zwazaršeru ya lit žalneru lav lit t͛enud. Ṗal sa-ražheru lav raržižu paplam lav ṗal widsaṟam bemaḵu šuku lit ʾeyṭu waẏnilaẇ.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.