Scripts; Updated; Scripts Demo Added
Well, seeing as the RMXP community has been destroyed, again, for the third time, I am going to put up some scripts, between 20 and 25 to be exact, to facilitate some recreation.

Near Fantastica's Anti Lag Script:

Near’s Anti-lag script. If you have any other custom scripts, put this one above all of them in a class named Anti-Lag. If your using the shadow and sun effects scripts by Rataime, you will need this.

Anti Lag Script

Ccoa's Faces in Messages:


This script has several things in different places, so bear with me. First of all there is no need to make a new class for this. Now, go to the 'Window_Message' class and press ctrl + a then come back to here, select all of the code below then press ctrl + c. Go back to you Window_Message and make sure all of it is selected and press ctrl + v. This will replace your 'Window_Message' with the one below (the spoilered script).

Then go to you 'Main' class and add this just after the begin command:
Quote: #Are we showing a face this time?
$face_showing = nil
$showm = 'user32', 'keybd_event', %w(l l l l), ''

and the adding of the script is done. Now, to be able to use this is tricky. First, find a picture, i'd say 128x128 pixils at the most, and import it into the 'Pictures' folder in the Resource Manager. Remember the name of that picture!


Now in an event, to show the picture, put this in a call script function just before the message:
$face_showing = "name of picture"

replace "name of picture" with what ever the picture that you imported's name was and press ok. Now. In order to stop showing the picture, you mus add a new command after the message(s) or else you will get the same picture on a different characters message. So, once the current character is done speaking, put this in a call script after the message:

Quote: $face_showing = nil

That will set the pic showing to none. remember, you must do this for every picture you show in a message. With this script, the text goes over the picture so in the opacity setting while importing, make sure to put it at 100 or less, so that the text will show up.

Faces in Messages

Ccoa's Weather Script:


Ok, make a new class above 'Main' and add this into it. instructions at the bottom.

Now as to how to use this, its actually quite simple. In an empty event set to Parallel Prossess in the trigger.

Put this in a call script:

Now, after weather in that call script we must define the type, power, and color of weather we want. so we get this $ [type (selects the type of weather, so use a number 1-15 according to the list at the begging of the script), Power (sets the power of the weather 0-40, 0 being none, 40 being strongest), Hue (0-255, changes the color). so, in the event, lets say we want heavy rain in the map. the call script would look like so:
$ [1, 40, 0]

Thats all there is too it.

Weather Script

Near Fantastica's Dynamic Maps:


Near’s Dynamic Maps script. You will need this is your going to use Wachunga’s random map generator. Put this in a class above all of your other custom scripts, but under the anti-lag script if you are using that, called Dynamic Maps, then put this into it.

Dynamic Maps

See Next Post
Sorry about the wait, a few posting restrictions and features were keeping me from posting anymore.

Fukuyama's Custom Save Menu (With edits from Wachuga to remove < > tags):


Ok, this script will take any "<>" tags out of the map name, that was Wachunga's edit. Now, make a new class above "Main" and name it Custom Save Menu then put this into it:

Custom Save Menu

Makeamidget's Battle Warning Script:


This script will put a bar over your head that will have an encounter bar in it. The size depends on the encounter rate and when the bar gets to the very end you will be attacked by monsters. First go to 'Scene_Map' and add this under the 'main' command:

Quote:unless $game_system.encounter_disabled
@encounter =,0,($game_map.encounter_step + 30))
@encounter.x = ($game_player.real_x - $game_map.display_x) / 4 - 19
@encounter.y = ($game_player.real_y - $game_map.display_y) / 4 - 60

Now, make a new class above 'Main' and call it Encounter Bar and put this into it:

Battle Warning Script

Momomomo's Item Book Script (Translated by Mcdohl):



Make a new class called Item Book above 'Main' and put the spoiler code into it.


It is a very long script indeed lol, but don't be worried, its not too hard to use.

First off, go to your Database in your game after you get this script in and go to the system tab. In the bottom left hand corner in the element/attribute tab, add new slots. Now, the stuff in these lines:

@item_kind_name = ["Items", "Quest_Items", "Quests", "Status_Inflicting_Items", "Status Increasing Items"]

@armor_kind_name = ["Armor", "Accessories"]

@kind_row = ["Items",
"Status Increasing Items",

@item_kind_element_name = ["Common Items", "Quest_Items", "Quests", "Status_Inflicting_Items", "Status Increasing Items"]
@weapon_kind_element_name = []
@armor_kind_element_name = ["Armor", "Accessories"]

Is what you put in those new elements/attributes you just made. Note that I have customized this to my needs, if you want to get rid of the quest items, and quests, just delete all instances of each out of those lines above that are in the script. You can add new ones in the same way as well.

Now, go to the items and armor tabs in your database and, lets say were in the armor tab, we go to Bronze Shield and check the 'armor' element/attribute. We go to Power Ring and check the accessories element/attribute. this places that item in that section. You do the same for items.

Common Items are what the defaults are, or what you want of course, then you can add sections or other items, and armors. Weapons are already listed, you don't need to make an element/attribute for them.

Now, to call this from the menu or a call script use this:

Quote: $scene =

Item Book Script
Momomomo's Skill Book (Translated by Mcdohl):



Create a new class above "Main" and place the spoiler code into it.


First off, go to your Database in your game after you get this script in and go to the system tab. In the bottom left hand corner in the element/attribute tab, add new slots. Now, the stuff in these lines:
Quote:# Name the skill categories.
@skill_kind_name = ["Physical", "Elemental", "Non-Elemental", "Curative", "Status"]
# Next is the menu setup. It's a vertical list. List the categories in any order you want.
# Note: The categories below must coincide with the categories you listed above.
@kind_row = ["Physical",
# Now write the element setups.You need to add elements in the Database (in the System Tab). For
# example, if you want to use a "Physical" category, go make an element called "Physical" and
# then apply it to all the skills you want them to appear under the Physical category!
@skill_kind_element_name = ["Physical", "Elemental", "Curative", "Status", "Non-Elemental"]
@skill_id_data = skill_book_id_set

Is what you put in those new elements/attributes you just made. Note that I have customized this to my needs, if you want to get rid of the stuff you don't want just delete all instances of each out of those lines above that are in the script. You new ones in the same way as well. Now, go to the skills tab, and go to the 'Fire' spell. Now, check the Elemental element/attribute to place this spell into the Elemental section of the skill book. Then just do the same for the rest of the skills by selecting to proper element/attribute for them. Now, to call this script from the main menu or from a call script, use this:
Quote: $scene =

Skill Book Script

Wachuga's Maze Generator:




This script has a lot of components to it, so I formatted it slightly differently then my other scripts as far as in the class browser goes.

I made an empty class and called it Maze Generator then under that I made a new empty class called ----------------------.

This is because there are four classes to this script, it organizes it a bit to do it like that.

Quote:Maze Generator
Directional Matrix

I will list installation instructions along side the spoiler tags this time around.


Now in order to use this you must place <rand> in the map name but there are other things as well. First of all these maps can be saved by putting <save> in the name before <rand>.

Now, if you want to control the randomness of the maze (this only does mazes for now, but Wachunga is now working on a full map generator) you have 3 options. the first <#> after <rand> controls the chances of curves and twists. the second <#> after <rand> decreases the number of dead ends. And the last <#> after <rand> increases the chance that dead ends will connect to another pathway.


Quote:My Map <rand>

My Map 2 <rand> <2> <5> <1>

Each time you enter or exit a map that doesnt have <save> in it, it will change, so keep that in mind, also, you must place <start> in an event (I put it in the teleport) name where the begging of the maze is, carful though, the entrance and exits have to be in certain areas, otherwise your going to get a warning message when you try to enter it. Same thing with the exit, put <end> in an event name where you want the end to be at (again, I would put it in the teleport).

Make a new one called Game_Map*** and put this in it:


Now, under that class make a new one called 'Maze' and put this into it:


Under this class make another new one called 'Direction Matrix' and put this into it:

Directional Matrix

Now, under this class put one more called 'Tile' and then put this script into that:

not sure what you mean by "destroyed" -- the old is still going under a different name, and this is a fairly recent newcomer. the other places have been fairly turmoil-free, too.

unless you're talking about this site being hacked, but that didn't really delete that much!

cool finds, though. the maze generator sounds particularly interesting, although I hope it's not just a reprise of VX's silly dungeon generator.
Rataime's Dynamic Shadow Script:



Put this script in a new class called Dynamic Shadows. Put it over both the Sun Effects Script and Wachunga’s Fog of War script if you are using it. Script is in the spoiler tags.


Ok, jus’ an FYI, this script is caterpillar compatible. Its quite simple to use actually. I find it easier though to write down all the different commands to the scripts I have implemented, for easy reference, so I suggest you do the same. Now, here are the commands that you will need to use in order to use this script:

**All of these commands go into comments in the events, also, don’t capitalize any of the commands at any point, otherwise it wont work**

Quote:begin shadow source – starts a source of light in an event
begin shadow – starts shadows for an event (party members all have this automatically)

Now, put these in comments only if you have selected the event to be a source:

Quote:anglemin (number between 0 and 360. Example: anglemin 0)- sets angle of rotation
anglemax (number between 0 and 360. Example: anglemax 360) – sets angle of rotation
distancemax (number)- sets how far the shadow will show up.

And that’s all there is to it. Just remember Geometry; this script works in angles, 180 being half way around, and 360 being all the way around.

There is currently a bug that causes shadows to get “stuck” on the top of the window as you move down away from them.

Dynamic Shadows

Rataime's Sun Effects Script :



Put this script in a new class called Dynamic Shadows. Put it under the Dynamic Shadows Script and over Wachunga’s Fog of War script if you are using it. Script is in the spoiler tags.


Same as before, this script is Caterpillar compatible. Place this in a class under the Dynamic Shadows script (you should use both of them). Again, some commands, make sure you put them in comments inside an empty event in maps where you want a sun:

Quote:begin sun – starts a sun
angle (number between –180 and 180)
opacity (number between 0 and 255, sets darkness of shadow)

You can also have 2 suns or more by making another even using begin sun and setting an angle for the second, third, ect.

Sun Effects

SephirothSpawn's Dynamic bank Script:


Now, make a new class above 'Main' and cal it Dynamic Banks then add the spoilered script into it.


This is a very interesting little script. It calculates interest so whenever you leave money in the bank, it will accrue interest.

Now, to call this use this in a call script:

Quote:$scene =

Now, to adjust this to your needs you can edit these lines:

Quote:@account_balance = 0
@interest_rate = 1
@saving_bonds = []
@last_interest_time = 0

these lines effect your initial balance, and interest rate, what savings bonds you already have, and the amount of time that has passed for your bonds and interest:

Quote:interest_time = (Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate - @last_interest_time) / 3600.0
interest_amt = (@account_balance * @interest_rate / 100.0 * interest_time).to_I

These lines affect the amount of time it takes to update your balance with the interest, and how much the interest adds to your total amount of money. Note that the 3600 is in seconds:

Quote:bonds = ["CD-7", 100, 7.5, 7),"CD-14", 500, 15, 14)])

finally, these allow you to modify the bonds. Here’s a break down of how the bonds are set up above:

Quote:bonds = ["Bond Name", Bond Cost, Bond Intrest, Time for Bond to Mature )])

Now, if you want each bank to be different, then you can do this in the call script:
Quote:bonds = ["Bond Name", Bond Cost, Bond Intrest, Time for Bond to Mature )])
$scene =

so, in this exapmle, we want 2 custom bonds and a new intrest rate:

Quote:bonds = ["Custom Bond 1", 10000, 30, 5),"Custom Bond 2", 20000, 60, 10)])
$scene = (10)

we now have 2 custom bonds and the interest rate will be set to 10%. Custom bond 1 will cost 10,000 gold, increase by 30% at maturity and take 5 hours of game play to mature, while custom bond 2 will cost 20,000 gold, increase by 60% at maturity and take 10 hours of game play to mature.

Dynamic Banks
mawk Wrote:not sure what you mean by "destroyed" -- the old is still going under a different name, and this is a fairly recent newcomer. the other places have been fairly turmoil-free, too.

unless you're talking about this site being hacked, but that didn't really delete that much!

cool finds, though. the maze generator sounds particularly interesting, although I hope it's not just a reprise of VX's silly dungeon generator.

hmm, I did not know that (about the old RMXP, I tried but the site is gone. Last I knew that is where they were at.)
oh wow you're a real oldie, then. :O went through tons of administration changes and is now called this is a fairly new site using the old domain name, but a lot of the members are longtime rm users.
Wachunga's Fog of War Script:



Create a new class above “Main” and place the spoiler script into it. If you are using Rataime's Sun/Shadow scripts, please place the new class for this under those.

Next right click on the following image and save as…

Then import it into your database in RMXP. This is the FOW tile, its required for the script to work.

[Image: fow_default.jpg]

My “Smoke” edit:

[Image: fow_default_myrecolor-1.png]


Ok, now, before we get into too much here, please be aware that there is a newer version of this but I am using this older one.

Now to use this place <FOW> into the map name of the map that you want to use it on.

You can customize it a bit by adding a <#> after the <FOW> (# = 1-3). Each sequential number adds more view tiles to the area that you uncover as you walk through the FOW.

Fog of War

Xsilverblade's/Advocate's Floating Location Window:



Alright, first thing to do here is find this in Scene_Map:

Quote:@message_window =

Put this directly underneath it:

Quote: @location_window =

Next find these and place the following lines of code under them as well:





Ok, next go to the very end of it where you see this:

Quote:# ??????????? BGM ? BGS ??????????
# ????????
# ???????

Add this after that end command:

Quote: def set_location(location)
@location_window.location = location

Now, create a new class above 'Main' and call it Floating Location Window, then add the spoiler code to it.


Now, for how to use this. I like this location window script because you input the map name manually, so if your using a script that has you put <text> in the map name it wont show up lol.

So, how do we go about using this you ask?

In a Call Script in an empty event set to 'auto start' in the trigger options we put this:

Quote:$scene.set_location ("Map Name")

Replace map name with the name of your map. Now, we want this to work every time we enter or exit this map, so, in that same event, create a new switch operation and call it Location Switch, well I did that but you can call it what you will. Now, every time you make a teleport, under the teleport command, put in the location switch operation and set it to off so that it will turn on and process the call script. You must do this for every Teleport event that you make, otherwise the location window wont show. So your teleport events should look like this:

Quote: Teleport [map #: map name], (coordinates)
Switch [switch #: Location Switch] = OFF

Floating Location Window

That's all the scripts that I have installation instructions for at the moment. I will post up some more when I get the instructions made.

If you want to see all of the scripts at work, download this Scripts Demo:

Scripts Demo

It contains around 28 scripts in total, some of them, namely KGC’s limit breaker, had to be modified to work properly with each other.

You may need to change the font for the demo, I think I may have left it set as Olde English, a custom font I was using.
SephirtohSpawn's Enemies that Level Up Script:


If you are using KGC’s Limit Breaker script be aware that this script does not work well with it.

Now, make a new class called Enemies that Level Up above 'Main' and
Put the spoiler code into it.


All right, this script is jus like it sounds. Like in FF8 the enemies level up as you do, so in the database, set the stats of your monsters to their lvl 99 stats, other wise they will be very weak.

Sephiroth decided to add Tricksters Boss Monster script so there are a few things you must do. First off as I said before, make the stats of your monsters at their lvl 99 forms. Also, if you have a boss monster add (BOSS) to the name in the database like this:

Quote:Boss Monster Name(BOSS)

This will tell the script not to work its magic on these monsters marked as (BOSS) and also the word (BOSS) wont show up in the names in case you were wondering. And that’s all there is to it.

Enemies that Level Up

Squall789's FF7 Credits Script:


Make a new class above “Main” and place the spoiler code into it.


This script creates a credits roll similar to the ones used at the beginning of FF7.

You can call this a couple of ways. You can make it run from the start of your game by replacing this in “Main”:

Quote:$scene =

with this:

Quote: $scene =

Or you can make then run from any point in your game by putting the code above ($scene = into a call script in an event. If you are going to take sections out, make sure you take everything out related to that section. So if you want to take all of section 15 out, find everything related to 15 and delete it. Ok, these lines are for the background and sound:

Quote:@Background.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(" ")

put what ever the name of your background pic is in between the "

Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/" + " ", 100, 100)

put the name of the song you are going to use in the ". Also the 100,100 elements are for volume and pitch, so edit those accordingly.

FF7 Credits Script

Teh_Freak's Quest Script:


Create a new class above “Main” and place the first spoilered code into it.

IMPORTANT: If your Scene_Menu has edits to it continue. If it does not, it will be faster to use the pre-edited Scene_Menu from below (second spoiler code).

Now, in your scene_menu class, after the last s# object add S# (where # is the number after the last object. So if you have an s5 this one is s6) = "Quest Window".


Quote:s6 = “Quest Window”

In the line that has (s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 ect) add the s# from the quest window's line, so, if we continue with it being 6, its (s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6).

Now, find the @dispose's and @update's in the "Scene_Menu' and add this to the respective group:


Now, under:

Quote: @status_window =
@status_window.x = 160
@status_window.y = 0

add this:

Quote:#Teh_Freak - Quest Window
@quest_window =
@quest_window.visible = false
@quest_window.x = 160
@quest_window.y = 0

Under this:

add this:

Quote:# Teh_Freak - update the quest window

Under this:


add this:

# ? Teh_Freak - Update Quest
def update_quest
# If escape is pressed
if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
# do the sound effect
# switch windows to normal again = true = false
@quest_window.visible = false
@status_window.visible = true
# END update_quest#-------------------------------------------

and that should do it. Now, you might get an error in "Scene_Menu" If you do, and the erroring line is the last end in Scene_Menu, then comment it out by putting a # in front of it.


This script is a tricky one to use, for a few reasons:

You need to put some edits into a few classes and you need to decide how many normal items you are going to create, because after a certain number, the items all become quest items. So, first off, in "Window_Item" find this:

Quote: def initialize
super(0, 64, 640, 416)
@column_max = 2

and add this under that:

Quote:@quest_number = 33 #Teh_Freak - this is the item ID of the FIRST quest item

I used 33, but you'll want to set it higher if you are, or have, making or made custom items.

Now, we don’t want to be able to sell these items now do we, so we go to 'Window_ShopSell' and add find this:

Quote:def initialize
super(0, 128, 640, 352)
@column_max = 2

and again, add this underneath that:

Quote:@quest_number = 33 #Teh_Freak - this is the item ID of the FIRST quest item

Now any item after 33 will now be a quest item. The description will be the quest items description, so make sure you label them right. Also, after you complete a quest, you might want to make a quest called "quest’s name"- complete so that you know it’s completed. Again, that’s what I am doing with mine.

Quest Window

Now, to be able to use this, we need to call the menu up. This only works thought the main menu so go to "Scene_Menu" press ctrl + a, come back to here, select all of this:


Edited Scene Menu

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