This script is just something I cobbled together to erase the contents of a store's inventory before it is called. This is a useful script if the end-user is adding inventory itsms of their own and wishes to have only their goods rendered.
# ** Store Goods Wipe
# by DerVVulfman
# version 1.0
# 01/17/2018 (MM/DD/YYYY)
# RPGMaker XP / RGSS
# This script is just something I cobbled together to erase the contents
# of a store's inventory before it is called. This is a useful script if
# the end-user is adding inventory itsms of their own and wishes to have
# only their goods rendered.
# Please note placement. This 'SHOULD' be above other scripts that may
# affect a store's inventory. But that will depend upon the script.#
# To install, paste the script between Scene_Debug and Main.
# To use, make a Script Call as follows : $game_temp.store_wipe = true
# That's really it.
# ** Game_Temp
# This class handles temporary data that is not included with save data.
# Refer to "$game_temp" for the instance of this class.
class Game_Temp
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :store_wipe # Force store inventory erasal
# * Alias Listings
alias game_temp_store_erase_initialize initialize
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Perform the original call
# Set store erasal to false by default
@store_wipe = false
# ** Interpreter
# This interpreter runs event commands. This class is used within the
# Game_System class and the Game_Event class.
class Interpreter
# * Alias Listings
alias interpreter_store_erase_command_302 command_302
# * Shop Processing
def command_302
# Obtain the effective return flag
effective = interpreter_store_erase_command_302
# Erase store contents if flagged & reset flag
if $game_temp.store_wipe == true
$game_temp.shop_goods = []
$game_temp.store_wipe = false
# Return effective flag
return effective
In the script, like always.
Just came to me when Melana talked with BeJeremiah and kyonides about shop scripts and item order. Took around 5 minutes to code, 2 more minutes for simple instructions
Should be GENERALLY compliant with other RPGMaker XP scripts.
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Free for use, even in commercial projects. Due credit is the only thing required.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)