07-03-2014, 04:10 AM
MicKo's Skill Tree - Revised
Version: 1.7
Version: 1.7
This system allows you to craft a skill tree such as those in games like Diablo or some Final Fantasy RPGs. Earlier systems required the crafting of these with elaborate events systems, but no more.
Not only can the player select skills from the tree by spending points to acquire them, but may also increase or advance a skill from one skill to another. Unlike MicKo's original system, this revised version keeps the changed skills solely for the individual actor. In the previous version, any changes to a skill would affect all users of that partucular skill... but no longer will with this version.
There are added bonuses to this system. Through this system, you can make a skill give bonus 'passive' effects to an actor, allowing them to gain or lose stats and/or maximum health scores. However, the passive skills feature from MicKo's original version was removed.
- An actual skill tree system
- Actor passive effects based on skills learned through the tree.
- Ranked/Leveled skills for individual actors through the system. (new feature)
- Able to set skill trees to either actor IDs or class IDs. (new feature)
- Modified 'Change Actor Skills' to learn/forget ranked skills. (new feature)
- Books able to teach skills (one or more), including rank system skills. (new feature)
- Enhancements to configuration system allowing more visual design flexibility. (new feature)
- Able to have both skill-tree using and non-tree using actors in a project. (new feature)
The Tree Demo
Fairly easy to use and there are instructions throughout the configuration section.
Credits and Thanks
Definite thanks to MicKo who crafted the bulk of this fine system. Also thank to finalholylight who noted a rank leveling issue in the original version, and to reiji1337 who saw a passive bonus stacking error.
Terms and Conditions
Free for use in games both commercial and free. Just give due credit.