The Weekly Gazette 01-05-2025
[Image: Gazette.png]

(January 6 to January 12, 2025)

Welcome dear readers to the latest issue of the Weekly Gazette! Here in the Gazette, we give you the news in brief of what occurred in the past week as well as provide any news happening in Save-Point itself

Official Area
Announcements and Updates
Another week has passed, and it appears that there will no longer be any Server Crashes. With Kirito's necessary upgrade, he thinks everything is now working fine and hopefully won't rear its ugly head any time soon.

Games Development
Development Discussion
It is easy to catch up with the game development efforts of other members in the forum. And if you wish to let others know about the struggles you are enduring, you are free to let everyone know What's up as an RMer. For DerVVulfman, his Layered Spritesheet Tool has been a continuous project, and is now working to revise its accompanying help file, not only to describe its inner workings but to include a simplified startup chapter. eanwhile, Remi-chan has been performing a massive rework of her game's menu and database, adding dozens of new in-game objects that can be viewed. The rewards for accomplishments performed have now been revised. And lastly, Remi-chan received new artwork from her character design artist, a delicate and bashful catgirl, who can now be seen within some of the screenshots she supplied.

Early this week, DerVVulfman returned to work on his Layered Spritesheet tool, and visited the Maps and screenshots thread to show off the work he's put into it so it can also be used to create faceset resources. And while Solitaire received some advice on how to acquire excellent map screenshots within the RPGMaker editor, Remi-chan appeared to post a few screenshots to present new graphic resources she recently acquired. One of the screenshots caught Solitaire's attention, reminding her of a favorite game of her youth.

Upcoming Projects
Released as an early demo just last month, kyonides has been working steadfastly upon Klans XP throughout the week. Early this week, he developed an economy and clan reputation system, touched up the display graphics to be more legible while offering a vast number of shield colours, and set up both a difficulty setting, initial resources system, and in-game timer display to the save screens.

Material Development
Resources Database
2D Resources
This week, you will certainly see why a resource thread is entitled the Various RMXP sprites by Ace_V. For this week, Ace_V crafted resources for those wishing to relive their favorite FIFA games. Both tilework for the grassy field and charactersets for the ball have been presented to all.

Creativity Section
Music and Audio
For those who are working on a science-fiction game and want a score with some flare, the Original Music and Sound FX created by Eric Matyas may be what you are looking for, "Nightmare City Grid" is a quick-paced melody that would fit in a world where the hero is in a literal maze of city streets with no knowlege where to go. And if you have a cutecene that needs a melody that builds and builds, "Cyber Mean Streets" can guide you straight. If the original composition isn't powerful enough, do not worry. Eric composed two alternate variations of the melody, one with a darker and heavier opening whilst the other with a vocal harmony.

A somber composition has appeared within DoubleX Music Room and is DoubleX's eleventh published song. "Helpless Hopelessness" is a delicate melody that begins with a pan flute and bells before strings begin to pull on your heart.

Art and Design
Two more images appeared within DerVV's Stream FrankenArts, two more occassions where DerVVulfman replaced characters from ChronoCross with Siletrea as she continued to stream the game on Twitch. He even relayed a few things he had to tweak and adjust while working on the pictures, edits that Solitaire thought were interesting and fun.

If you peek into Remi-chan's Neato Arty thread thing!, you would see a flat-color render of an alien Legionnaire General. Not intended as a finished work, Remi suggests that the General will be fully rendered some time next week.

In yet another MS doodle, Solitaire expresses more why It Ain't Easy Bein' Da Mess Cleana' of One's Neighborhood. But this time, the doodle was an animated gif, one that is a variation of wanting your cake and eating it too,

It may be a surprise to some that Solitaire's Bluegirl Art//Solitairy Artworks were a repost. These illustrations were seen by DerVVulfman who encouraged Solitaire to return some of her random pieces of art. But more confident, she continued with sketches for a proposed comic, and returned with the history and evolution of her Bluegirl.

It was a couple months ago when Solitaire ventured in to draw a CRAZY WILD OUTLAW WOLF! (+OTHER RANDOM STUFF). But upon her return, she practically dedicated her topic to a MS Paint-like Comic strip entitled "Books on Computers". One forum's loss is our gain.

When one peeks through the pages of Remi-chan's Writing Snippets~ , they usually get glimpses of content planned for her game entitled Fantasia. However, this time, we get to see past and future combined as Remi-chan presents pages of villainous introductions, those already introduced within her game and those not yet having appeared. For more dramatis, Remi-chan presented some of the dialogue with music backgrounds through the use of Soundcloud links.

After leaving the ticket booth, your admission to Remi-chan's Cinematic Theatre is a certainty. But what is not a certainty are that the boss battles within Remi-chan's game will include pre-recorded cinematic cutscenes. Influenced a tad by Elden Ring, she admits that the plans are tentative. But for an example of the dozens that lay before her, she crafted the boss battle introduction scene with the Insidious Architect, with vocals by PhoenixAstra.

Well, that's it for this week.

"Cats are smarter than dogs. You can’t get eight cats to pull a sled through snow." - Jeff Valdez


If you are the creator of a thread in Save-Point, you have the option of sending/writing your own entry into the Gazette. The Gazette accepts write-in announcements (which will be doublechecked). Likewise, the Gazette would welcome other content such as a comic-strip series, ongoing story arc, or the like.

Just PM DerVVulfman with the submissions. Submissions must be in by 10pm EST.

Regularly posted 12am (EST) (between Sunday & Monday) based on U.S. Daylight Savings,
4am Monday (UTC), 10pm Sunday(CST/MDT), 6pm Sunday (HST), 6am Monday (CEST), 2pm Monday (AEST) observing daylight savings
5am Monday (UTC), 11pm Sunday(CST), 6pm Sunday (HST), 7am Monday (CET), 3pm Monday (AEST) Not observing daylight savings
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links

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