11-18-2009, 10:25 PM
Modify Battler Collapse Effect
Version 1.1
Version 1.1
![[Image: 34nh4kg.png]](http://i50.tinypic.com/34nh4kg.png)
![[Image: i6mjc0.png]](http://i44.tinypic.com/i6mjc0.png)
No demo yet.
║ Modify Battler Collapse Effect 1.1 (formerly known as Battler Collapse Color)║
║ by PK8 ║
║ Created: 11/18/2009 ║
║ Modified: 4/2/2012 ║
║ ■ Table of Contents ║
║ ○ Author's Notes - Line 15-17 ║
║ ○ Introduction & Description - Line 19-21 ║
║ ○ Features - Line 23,24 ║
║ ○ Methods Aliased - Line 26,27 ║
║ ○ Thanks - Line 29,30 ║
║ ○ Changelog - Line 32-35 ║
║ ■ Author's Note ║
║ When I first wrote the script a few years ago, it was moreorless me trying to║
║ see what else I could do in scripting. I was running out of ideas at the time║
║ ■ Introduction & Description ║
║ This script lets you modify the blend type, color, duration, and animation ║
║ of the Collapse effect. ║
║ ■ Features ║
║ Modify color, blend type, duration, and animation of the collapse effect. ║
║ ■ Methods Aliased ║
║ ● collapse of Sprite < ::Sprite class in the RPG module. ║
║ ■ Thanks ║
║ Yeyinde helped me fix the stacking error by telling me to use method_defined ║
║ ■ Changelog (MM/DD/YYYY) ║
║ v1.0.0 (11/18/2009) - Initial release. ║
║ v1.0.1 (11/18/2009) - Fixed stacking error. ║
║ v1.1 (4/2/2012) - Recoded settings, added Flag & Animation settings, new name║
module PK8
class Collapse
Animation_Flag = true # Turn on Animation
Animation = 33 # Animation ID for the Collapse effect
Blend_Flag = true # Turn New Blend Type on or off
Blend = 1 # Blend Type
Color_Flag = true # Turn New Colors on or off
Color_Red = 255 # Amount of Red in the Collapse color
Color_Green = 0 # Amount of Green in the Collapse color
Color_Blue = 230 # Amount of Blue in the Collapse color
Color_Alpha = 255 # Amount of Opacity in the Collapse color
Duration_Flag = true # Turn New Fade Duration on or off
Duration = 40 # Set new duration of fade
# * RPG Module, Sprite Class.
module RPG
class Sprite < ::Sprite
# * Alias Listings
unless method_defined?(:pk8_newcollapse_collapse)
alias_method(:pk8_newcollapse_collapse, :collapse)
# * Collapse
def collapse
if PK8::Collapse::Animation_Flag == true
self.animation($data_animations[PK8::Collapse::Animation], true)
if PK8::Collapse::Blend_Flag == true
self.blend_type = PK8::Collapse::Blend
if PK8::Collapse::Color_Flag == true
self.color.set(PK8::Collapse::Color_Red, PK8::Collapse::Color_Green,
PK8::Collapse::Color_Blue, PK8::Collapse::Color_Alpha)
if PK8::Collapse::Duration_Flag == true
@_collapse_duration = PK8::Collapse::Duration
Configure it and put them to the test in Battle Test mode.
Awaiting question
v1.0.1 fixes the stacking error bug.
v1.1 adds new Flag settings which allows you to disable or enable new blend types, colors, durations, and animations. You also get to set a new animation onto the collapse effect. The code is slightly different from v1.0.x.
RMXP Only. Aliases collapse of Sprite < ::Sprite class in the RPG module.
Credits and Thanks
There was a stacking problem in the original version of the script (v1.0.0), Yeyinde helped me fix it. :P
Author's Notes
I felt like playing around with the RPG::Sprite class a little. Plus I was bored and I'm running out of ideas for scripts. :P
Terms and Conditions
Free for non-profit and commercial use. All I ask for in return is some mention of me within the credits of your project.