Posts: 1,664
Threads: 391
Joined: May 2009
Extremely cheesy game.
Quote:[03:59] <Raeosin> IRC-Uno Started: Type join to join in.
[03:59] <KorruptedKore> lol
[03:59] <PK8> join
[03:59] <Raeosin> PK8 is Uno player #2
[03:59] <KorruptedKore> decibel, one moar?
[03:59] <KorruptedKore> game is addicting
[03:59] <decibel> not today
[03:59] <KorruptedKore> lol
[03:59] <KorruptedKore> !deal
[03:59] <Raeosin> Top Card: [3]
[03:59] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 7 Cards
[03:59] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[03:59] -Raeosin- [2][R][S][3][5][R][S]
[03:59] <decibel> got to go brb
[03:59] * decibel is now known as decibelaway
[03:59] <PK8> !play y 3
[03:59] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:59] <Raeosin> Top Card: [3]
[03:59] <KorruptedKore> kk, have fun
04:00] <KorruptedKore> !pl y 8
[04:00] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[04:00] <Raeosin> Top Card: [8]
[04:00] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 6 Cards
[04:00] -Raeosin- [2][R][S][5][R][S]
[04:00] <PK8> !play y 5
[04:00] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[04:00] <Raeosin> Top Card: [5]
[04:00] <KorruptedKore> !pl y 5\
[04:00] <Raeosin> You don't have that card KorruptedKore.
[04:00] <KorruptedKore> !pl y 5
[04:00] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[04:00] <Raeosin> Top Card: [5]
[04:00] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 5 Cards
[04:00] -Raeosin- [2][R][S][R][S]
[04:00] <PK8> !play y s
[04:00] <PK8> !play y r
[04:00] <PK8> !play r r
[04:00] <PK8> !play r s
[04:00] <PK8> !draw
[04:00] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore was Skipped! PK8's turn.
[04:00] <Raeosin> Top Card: [S]
[04:00] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 5 Cards
[04:00] -Raeosin- [2][R][S][R]
[04:00] <Raeosin> PK8 Reversed it! PK8's turn.
[04:00] <Raeosin> Top Card: [R]
[04:00] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 5 Cards
[04:00] -Raeosin- [2][R][S]
[04:00] <Raeosin> PK8 Reversed it! PK8's turn.
[04:00] <Raeosin> Top Card: [R]
[04:00] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 5 Cards
[04:00] -Raeosin- [2][S]
[04:00] <Raeosin> Uno! PK8 has one card left!
[04:00] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore was Skipped! PK8's turn.
[04:00] <Raeosin> Top Card: [S]
[04:00] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 5 Cards
[04:00] -Raeosin- [2]
[04:00] -Raeosin- Drawn Card(s): [S]
[04:00] <Raeosin> PK8 draws a card.
[04:00] <KorruptedKore> damn
[04:00] <PK8> !play b s
[04:00] <PK8> !play b 2
[04:00] <Raeosin> Uno! PK8 has one card left!
[04:00] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore was Skipped! PK8's turn.
[04:00] <Raeosin> Top Card: [S]
[04:00] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 5 Cards
[04:00] -Raeosin- [2]
[04:00] <Raeosin> We have a winner! Go PK8
[04:00] <Raeosin> PK8 gains 12 points. For a total of 1134 points, and a total of 60 games played.
[04:00] <KorruptedKore> what the hell was that??
[04:01] <PK8> That was a very cheesy hand. o_o
Posts: 98
Threads: 6
Joined: May 2009
<Raeosin> « I impregnated punk last night. »
<decibel> O.O
<PK8> D:
<PK8> No wonder why I've a gut now...
<PK8> I should go check that.
Posts: 11,403
Threads: 664
Joined: May 2009
Okay... Here's an old one that Punky won't forget. And why he hates whips.
Posts: 1,664
Threads: 391
Joined: May 2009
Growl. :(
Quote:[02:29] <Raeosin> Hey kovanmiller!
[02:29] <Raeosin> « I challenge thee to a duel! Draw thine kovanmiller and have at you! »
[02:29] <kovanmiller> yo
[02:30] <PK8profiles> heya
[02:30] <MissLalaba> Hiyo
[02:30] <kovanmiller> who is good a making a story about the knights of the round table
[02:31] <kovanmiller> anyone?
[02:31] <MissLalaba> Not I..don't know enough about it all.
[02:33] <kovanmiller> oh man
[02:33] * decibel slaps PK8profiles with a big red brick.
[02:33] <kovanmiller> plz who knows about the knight of the round
[02:33] <MissLalaba> You could look stuff up. :)
[02:34] <kovanmiller> all i got is that there iz 25 of theme
[02:34] <PK8profiles> knights of the round table? o.o
[02:34] <PK8profiles> Also, I'm not much of a good writer. D:
[02:34] <MissLalaba> -- Help any? xP
[02:34] <kovanmiller> and they work fur king auther
[02:34] <decibel> i don't know much about european culture
[02:35] <decibel> or stories for that matter
[02:35] <kovanmiller> thx man
[02:35] <MissLalaba> :)
[02:35] <kovanmiller> ...
[02:35] <kovanmiller> who knows about castlevania
[02:36] <kovanmiller> and devil may cry
[02:36] <MissLalaba> ...I know it's a
[02:36] <kovanmiller> lol
[02:36] <kovanmiller> (whisper) hey
[02:36] <kovanmiller> u
[02:36] <kovanmiller> miss
[02:37] <MissLalaba> Huh
[02:37] <kovanmiller> misssssssssssssssss
[02:37] <kovanmiller> i
[02:37] <kovanmiller> gi=uess what
[02:37] <kovanmiller> guess
[02:37] <MissLalaba> If you say 'chicken butt', I will make angry faces at you for the rest of your life. Just a warning. xP
[02:37] <MissLalaba> What?
[02:38] <kovanmiller> thhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssss iiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ssssssssssssppppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:38] <decibel> lol
[02:38] <kovanmiller> ok'
[02:38] <MissLalaba> ...maybe that was worse than the chicken one.
[02:39] <kovanmiller> who knows about any darkknights r whatevber
[02:39] <kovanmiller> i need a writer plz
[02:39] <decibelmath> for?
[02:39] <kovanmiller> i suck so bad at makin a story
[02:39] <kovanmiller> the knights of the r ound table
[02:40] <kovanmiller> being bored kills yr brain sell
[02:40] <kovanmiller> im bored
[02:40] <MissLalaba> It takes me a while to write anything..otherwise I'd offer to help.
[02:41] <kovanmiller> how long duz it take u
[02:41] <kovanmiller> i lik ya name lol
[02:41] <MissLalaba> Depends I guess. >_>
[02:42] <kovanmiller> sry to put this twice but who knows of a darknight r somthin close
[02:42] <kovanmiller> ill make the game
[02:42] <kovanmiller> and events
[02:43] <MissLalaba> That wasn't twice, I think that was the fourth time. >_> lol
[02:43] <kovanmiller> i just need a writer and a scripter
[02:43] <decibelmath> what do you need a scripter for?
[02:43] <kovanmiller> anyone?
[02:44] <PK8> !cut red
[02:44] <Raeosin> *KABOOM* - Another one bites the dust. (Failure!)
[02:44] <kovanmiller> skills and exc
[02:44] <kovanmiller> for my game the knights of the round
[02:44] <decibelmath> skills and exc? what
[02:44] <decibelmath> is exc?
[02:44] <MissLalaba> Well kovan..not saying I'll help..cause I don't think I'd have time to write anything anyways...but what kind of story do you want..besides knights of the round table? xP Like, what's supposed to happen?
[02:44] <PK8> Hmm?
[02:44] <kovanmiller> BOOM HEADSHOT
[02:45] <Raeosin> « I drink decibelmath's ballsack all the time! »
[02:45] <MissLalaba> ...disturbiiingggg.
[02:45] <decibelmath> indeed
[02:45] <decibelmath> especially because i
[02:45] <decibelmath> uh
[02:45] <Raeosin> « basketball cats have 18 lives. »
[02:45] <decibelmath> nevermind
[02:46] <kovanmiller> u know king auther the king they protect goes dark but it turns out his brother was controling him for the throne and all of the secrets of magic exc
[02:46] <PK8> ohh, exc... you mean etc? :o
[02:46] <kovanmiller> lol haw haw haw
[02:46] <decibelmath> haw haw ...haw?
[02:46] <PK8> just saying. :P
[02:46] <kovanmiller> falcon sneeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[02:47] <MissLalaba> o_o;;
[02:47] <PK8> Hmm
[02:47] <kovanmiller> 0.0 how do u like it
[02:47] <decibelmath> like what?>
[02:47] <PK8> I'm not sure if we're getting a clear idea on what you want. :P
[02:47] <PK8> Maybe that's just me.
[02:47] <kovanmiller> 0.0 tthiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssss
[02:47] <kovanmiller> 0.0
[02:47] <kovanmiller> 0.0
[02:48] <PK8> eh
[02:48] <decibelmath> 0.0
[02:48] <decibelmath> 0.0
[02:48] <decibelmath> 0.0
[02:48] <decibelmath> 0.0
[02:48] <decibelmath> 0.0
[02:48] <MissLalaba> It's a very...vague...storyline. xP
[02:48] <decibelmath> 0.0
[02:48] <kovanmiller> hmmmm now how can i eplain
[02:48] <kovanmiller> ..
[02:48] <kovanmiller> ....\
[02:48] <kovanmiller> ........
[02:48] <kovanmiller> ..........
[02:48] <PK8> just post a new topic in the projects forum
[02:48] <decibelmath> i think i can
[02:48] <kovanmiller> ........................................
[02:48] <decibelmath> !
[02:48] <decibelmath> it's
[02:48] <kovanmiller> .............
[02:48] <kovanmiller> im a noob herer
[02:48] * PK8 facepalms...
[02:48] <decibelmath> f'(x) = anx^n-1!
[02:49] <decibelmath> Sn = 0.5n(2a - dn - d)
[02:49] <kovanmiller> so i do wat to who now
[02:49] <decibelmath> S(infinity) = a/1-r
[02:50] <decibelmath> 2as = v^2 - u^2
[02:50] <PK8> your project seems very vague
[02:50] <decibelmath> VAGUE
[02:50] <kovanmiller> i just started
[02:50] <PK8> gotcha.
[02:50] <kovanmiller> i was sitten down one day
[02:50] <kovanmiller> and it hir me
[02:51] <kovanmiller> i have never seen a knight of the round game
[02:51] <PK8> and the chat's just not too good of a place to look for support, at least not for now. @.@
[02:51] <kovanmiller> hit
[02:51] <decibelmath> oh, did my hammer hit you?
[02:51] <decibelmath> whoops
[02:51] <MissLalaba> Haha
[02:51] <kovanmiller> where do i go
[02:51] <PK8> just post a topic here, for now:
[02:51] <kovanmiller> misslalaba
[02:51] <MissLalaba> Where PK just linked :P
[02:51] <kovanmiller> thx man u r my freind now
[02:51] <kovanmiller> wht
[02:52] <kovanmiller> pk?
[02:52] <MissLalaba> Nevermind. Going back to eating my gummi bears. >_>
[02:52] <PK8> me
[02:52] <kovanmiller> snickers mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[02:53] <kovanmiller> k i clicked the link now what do i do
[02:53] <kovanmiller> yes u
[02:53] <MissLalaba> Tap your heels three times
[02:54] <MissLalaba> Oh, you forgot to put on your ruby shoes, silly.
[02:54] <decibelmath> yeah
[02:54] <kovanmiller> there on one..two...thrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........nothing
[02:54] <decibelmath> and remember, you also need to drink a can of bleach socks, and shout AKSNIFNI 2000 times the day before
[02:54] <PK8> kovanmiller: Click on New Topic and just post a thread about your idea
[02:54] <kovanmiller> i feel werid
[02:55] <kovanmiller> yhx ruby shoes liiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss
[02:55] <decibelmath> then, afterwards, you need to swallow a frying pan whole
[02:55] <kovanmiller> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww nnoooooooooooooooooooo
[02:55] <decibelmath> then slap anyone with a nick starting with P with a big red brick
[02:55] <MissLalaba> Eep.
[02:56] <kovanmiller> thx man u r my freind now pk8
[02:56] <decibelmath> and finally, you also need to shake hands with Neil Armstrong, Ernest Rutherford, Isaac Newton, and last but not least, Benjamin Franklin
[02:56] <decibelmath> that will bring you to success
[02:57] <Raeosin> « I play with teh Benjamin Franklin's nutsz »
[02:57] <PK8> <.<
[02:57] <decibelmath> :O
[02:57] * PK8 slaps Raeosin around a bit with a large trout.
[02:57] <Raeosin> Trout. Yummy. Beep beep boop boop
[02:58] * decibelmath slaps Raeosin with a big red brick.
[02:58] <Raeosin> \[o_o \] I am a robot, beep beep boop boop
[02:58] <decibelmath> \[o_o\]O=(''Q)
[02:58] * Raeosin picks decibelmath up
[02:58] * decibelmath is picked up
[02:59] * Raeosin runs around
[02:59] * Raeosin puts decibel down
[02:59] * decibelmath is dizzy
[02:59] * Raeosin falls
[02:59] <kovanmiller> i dddddddddddddddddddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddddddddddddddd iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tnx tnx tnx pk8 hahahah
[03:00] <MissLalaba> Good job!
[03:01] <kovanmiller> mmmmm
[03:01] <kovanmiller> sing
[03:01] <kovanmiller> me
[03:01] <decibelmath> gonna take a look
[03:01] <kovanmiller> a
[03:01] <kovanmiller> lalaba
[03:02] <MissLalaba> I'm not sure if you're singing, or talking to me.
[03:02] <kovanmiller> hmmhmm
[03:02] <kovanmiller> numa numa a numa numa numa a
[03:02] <decibelmath> O.O
[03:02] <kovanmiller> ma la hi ma la ho ma la ho ma la ha ho
[03:03] <MissLalaba> Good..job oO
[03:03] <kovanmiller> when u leav my colers turn to blue numa numa a numa numa numa a
[03:04] <kovanmiller> im not done with the page yet
[03:04] <decibelmath> oh
[03:05] <kovanmiller> sssssssssssssrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[03:05] <decibelmath> no it's alright
His ribs hurt. The ribs he's eating. Wrote:[03:05] <kovanmiller> ow my ribs hurt
[03:05] <kovanmiller> the ribs im eaten
[03:05] <PK8> you're eating your own ribs?
[03:05] <decibelmath> LOL
[03:05] <MissLalaba> O_O
[03:06] <kovanmiller> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bbbbbaaarrrbbbiiiieeeeccciuuuuue owe no my ckeybored
[03:06] <kovanmiller> souce all over it
[03:06] <kovanmiller> nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo
[03:06] <kovanmiller> mmmmmm souce
[03:06] <decibelmath> O.o
[03:06] <PK8> sauce all over your ribs?
[03:06] <MissLalaba> I feel sorry for your keyboard.
[03:06] <PK8> I feel the same way.
[03:06] <kovanmiller> eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yes
[03:06] <decibelmath> PK8 gets the funniest conclusions
[03:07] <kovanmiller> i know
Quote:[03:20] <Raeosin> lol i love how pk8 is not taken seriously even though hes like teh owner of the place
[03:21] <kovanmiller> pk8 yr the owner of this place
[03:21] <kovanmiller> wwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[03:21] <PK8> ...ya.
[03:21] <kovanmiller> didnt see that commin
[03:21] <kovanmiller> relly
[03:21] <MissLalaba> Who did you think was? lol
[03:21] <decibelmath> lol
[03:21] <Raeosin> « You best be trollin' »
[03:22] <kovanmiller> another guy/girl like u me
[03:22] <kovanmiller> u tricken me right
[03:22] <PK8> um... no, seriously.
[03:22] <kovanmiller> not nice to trick new ppl
[03:22] <PK8> I'm like the main management. :x
[03:23] <kovanmiller> this sit?
[03:23] <MissLalaba> It's not mine. I don't have the patience for something like this. >_>
[03:23] <decibelmath> he's the guy behind everything
[03:23] <decibelmath> he's the ONE AND ONLY
[03:23] <decibelmath> he made the plad D:
[03:23] <decibelmath> *place D:
[03:23] <kovanmiller> heeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssppppppppppppppppppppprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[03:24] <Raeosin> [Troll detected]
[03:24] <Raeosin> henasraf's friend has arrived from the distant future and has planted a bomb that will wipe out the RMVXP population. kovanmiller, you are the chosen one. You have 33 seconds to save us all.
[03:24] <Raeosin> Cut one of these 7, pwease? They are: Teal, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Orange, Brown, or Red. (Use !cut <wire>)
[03:24] <kovanmiller> whts troooooooooolollllllllllll
[03:24] <kovanmiller> red
[03:24] <kovanmiller> blu
[03:24] <kovanmiller> how do u do thhat
[03:24] <decibelmath> lol
[03:24] <Raeosin> *KABOOM* - Sucker.
[03:24] <kovanmiller> blue
[03:24] <kovanmiller> tell me
[03:24] <kovanmiller> purple
[03:25] <kovanmiller> gggggggggggrt
[03:25] <kovanmiller> teal
[03:25] <MissLalaba> Read what it says in the brackets. lol
[03:25] <Raeosin> more try nao
[03:25] <Raeosin> PK8 is butthurt. From what, I don't know. What I do know is that a bomb has been activated and kovanmiller has 26 seconds to diffuse it!
[03:25] <Raeosin> There are 5 present, They are Brown, Teal, Green, Orange, or Red. (Use !Cut <wire>)
[03:25] <Raeosin> *KABOOM* - Hello.
[03:25] <Raeosin> PK8 is working on a bomb event system. kovanmiller, you must stop him from creating it. You have 25 seconds to do this!
[03:25] <Raeosin> Cut one of these 7, pwease? They are: Teal, Orange, Green, Yellow, Purple, Brown, or Blue. (Use !cut <wire>)
[03:25] <kovanmiller> pk8 can u lik take ppl off of yr site
[03:26] <kovanmiller> bbbbbbbbbbbbooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
[03:26] <Raeosin> *KABOOM* - Hello.
[03:26] <kovanmiller> ha i live u die mwhahaha
[03:26] <Raeosin> PK8 is butthurt. From what, I don't know. What I do know is that a bomb has been activated and kovanmiller has 26 seconds to diffuse it!
[03:26] <Raeosin> !cut Yellow, Teal, Blue, Purple, Brown.
[03:26] <decibelmath> lol
[03:26] <kovanmiller> wht
[03:26] <kovanmiller> ...
[03:26] <kovanmiller> nooooooooooooooooooooooo
[03:26] <kovanmiller> were
[03:26] <Raeosin> *KABOOM* - Trickster says you stink.
[03:26] <kovanmiller> dead
[03:26] <Raeosin> !up
[03:26] * ChanServ sets mode: +qao Raeosin Raeosin Raeosin
[03:27] <kovanmiller> its yr folt
[03:27] <~Raeosin> Sixty's accidentally injured himself. Again. He's also turned on the bomb's self-destruct sequence while he injured himself. kovanmiller, you have 19 seconds to diffuse it or sixty's mistake will harm us all!
[03:27] <~Raeosin> !cut Green, or Blue.
[03:27] <kovanmiller> green blue is cut
[03:27] <kovanmiller> ha
[03:27] * kovanmiller was kicked by Raeosin (*KABOOM* - kovanmiller, you suck.)
[03:27] <PK8> :x
Quote:[03:28] <~Raeosin> Hey kovanmiller!
[03:28] <~Raeosin> « The international kovanmillers in Iraq are like bouncers at a kindergarten tea-party: unwanted and unneeded, yet persistent. »
[03:28] <kovanmiller> ..
[03:28] <decibelmath> welcome back
[03:28] <kovanmiller> wht just happend
[03:28] <MissLalaba> Wb.
[03:28] <decibelmath> that's what happens if you don't diffuse a bomb
[03:28] <kovanmiller> how do i defus it
[03:28] <decibelmath> we all died and had to reconnect
[03:29] <kovanmiller> lier u kicked me out
[03:29] <~Raeosin> I will kill you all again.
[03:29] <decibelmath> look at the devastation you brought
[03:29] <kovanmiller> iknow u wanted to
[03:29] <decibelmath> it's like
[03:29] <decibelmath> FALLOUT 3 allover again
[03:29] <MissLalaba> No, don't kill me again. :(
[03:29] <~Raeosin> im a good bot someone pet me?
[03:29] * PK8 pets Raeosin.
[03:29] * decibelmath pets Raeosin
[03:29] <kovanmiller> hey
[03:29] * Quits: kovanmiller ( ([CS] Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[03:30] * ~Raeosin is evolving
[03:30] * Joins: kovanmiller (
[03:30] <~Raeosin> Hey kovanmiller!
[03:30] <~Raeosin> « Why have one kovanmiller when I could have.... millions! »
[03:30] * ~Raeosin de-evolved
[03:30] <decibelmath> welcome back
[03:30] <kovanmiller> what the heellll my cpu went hay wire
[03:30] <kovanmiller> stop it sniifff
[03:30] <kovanmiller> sniif'
[03:30] <kovanmiller> wwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[03:31] <kovanmiller> whts a de-evolved
[03:31] <kovanmiller> u cant have millons cuzz im the one and only raeosin
[03:32] <kovanmiller> how did she do that
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Joined: May 2009
My partner in crime = TREXRELL
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Joined: May 2009
I'm so sorry you had to read that. :P
Posts: 98
Threads: 6
Joined: May 2009
[14:40] <%Cocoa> damn
[14:40] <%Cocoa> my dog just died
[14:40] <VX-Wulf> you know something is wrong when
[14:40] <VX-Wulf> one mom....
[14:40] <%Cocoa> i hate it when the fag dies
[14:40] <@DerVVulfman> Wha? Sorry Cocoa.
[14:40] <VX-Wulf> I'm sorry for your lost Cocoa
[14:40] <%Cocoa> On Guild Wars
[14:40] <VX-Wulf> :|
[14:40] <decibelDS> lol
[14:40] <@DerVVulfman> ....
[14:40] <@DerVVulfman> Dude, I thou--- :|
[14:40] * Cocoa was kicked by ChanServ ( Reason ((VX-Wulf (Lowell)) That is not funny)
Posts: 11,403
Threads: 664
Joined: May 2009
Really a she? No wonder that bot flirts with every guy there.
Posts: 311
Threads: 16
Joined: May 2009
PK8s uno points he won today:
Quote:[12:45] <Raeven> 0,1We have a winner! Go PK8
[12:45] <Raeven> 0,1PK8 gains 4 points. For a total of 4956 points, and a total of 210 games played.
[15:01] <Raeven> 0,1We have a winner! Go PK8
[15:01] <Raeven> 0,1PK8 gains 53 points. For a total of 5009 points, and a total of 212 games played.
[15:04] <Raeven> 0,1We have a winner! Go PK8
[15:04] <Raeven> 0,1PK8 gains 8 points. For a total of 5017 points, and a total of 214 games played.
[15:12] <Raeven> 0,1We have a winner! Go PK8
[15:12] <Raeven> 0,1PK8 gains 9 points. For a total of 5026 points, and a total of 217 games played.
[19:12] <[-_-]> 0,1We have a winner! Go PK8
[19:12] <[-_-]> 0,1PK8 gains 6 points. For a total of 5032 points, and a total of 218 games played.
[19:23] <[-_-]> 0,1We have a winner! Go PK8
[19:23] <[-_-]> 0,1PK8 gains 9 points. For a total of 5041 points, and a total of 220 games played.
Quote:[19:30] * PK8 ( Quit ([] Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by [^_^])))
[19:30] <Raeven> 0,1EJlol gains 124 points. For a total of 2822 points, and a total of 105 games played.
Posts: 299
Threads: 9
Joined: May 2009
Quote:* PK8profiles shuts up.
<Archeia> :O
<Archeia> XD
* Ryuk throws mouldy fruit at PK8
* PK8profiles has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<Ryuk> :D
<Ryuk> pwnd
<Ryuk> lol
<Archeia> :O
<Archeia> haha