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Should see his reaction to having a sock thrown at him.
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Pfft I had the idea first ;-;
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Quote: PK8 is now known as potroast_delicious
<Lowell> hmm
<Alpha-Mad> sorryz
<Hsia_Nu> night
<potroast_delicious> THIS POT ROAST IS DELICIOUS
<potroast_delicious> DEATH
<potroast_delicious> DEATH
<potroast_delicious> I can't let Belmont get to them!
<potroast_delicious> Fuckin' useless ass werewolf!
<potroast_delicious> I paid that bitch so much money to take down Belmont
<DerVVulfman> You, dear sir, are acting like.... Punk.
<potroast_delicious> That's it, he just lost his boss status
<potroast_delicious> now a normal ass enemy
<potroast_delicious> just like all those axe armours
<potroast_delicious> XD
<chickendips> o.o
<potroast_delicious> that was from an AWESOME video
<potroast_delicious> about castlevania
<potroast_delicious> go search a day in dracula's life
<potroast_delicious> :3
<Hsia_Nu> haha
<DerVVulfman> Yer N.U.T.Z. :D
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Too good not to post. ;)
Quote:<+Zero|NOLF> BRBFBI
<@PK8Arcadium> and the other day
<@PK8Arcadium> it's official
<Lowell|GSP|Studying> Female Body Inspector?
<@PK8Arcadium> Olivia's the FBI.
<@PK8Arcadium> oh
<Guardian> lol great timing
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Olivia Wrote:Ya, should I post the Punk x Zero Stuff? :3
I didn't because I wasn't sure how NSFW it was but it's brilliant and had many good moments.
Basically, YES. @_@
Unless I completely misunderstood you there. ^_^;
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Imo, most of it was pretty good. But yeah the vibrator part was one of the best moments. ^_^
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I think I've become a prude.
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Quote:16:45] * Ryuk cooks bacon
[16:45] <bacon> o:
[16:45] <bacon> :o
[16:45] <bacon> oh my
[16:45] <bacon> dont burn me
[16:45] <bacon> please
[16:45] <bacon> okaythanksoodles
[16:45] <bacon> :3
[16:45] <Ryuk> but but, i like my bacon crispy :(
[16:45] <bacon> ):
[16:46] <bacon> I dont like my bacon crispy
[16:46] <bacon> ):
[16:46] <Ryuk> i don't want any then :(
[16:47] <bacon> okay
[16:47] <bacon> so sorry
[16:47] <bacon> :3
[16:50] * Quits: @EJlol ( (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[16:50] <Ryuk> no
[16:50] <Ryuk> you are by far the worst piece of bacon i have ever heard of
[16:50] <bacon> oh my
[16:50] <pk8listentomusic> D:
[16:50] <Ryuk> objecting to being cooked
[16:50] <bacon> D:
[16:50] <Ryuk> :(
[16:51] <bacon> ;o;
[16:51] <bacon> why would I want to get cooked
[16:51] <bacon> and eaten
[16:51] <Ryuk> ì_ì
[16:51] <Ryuk> thats your purpose
[16:51] <chickendips> o.o
[16:51] <bacon> no
[16:51] <chickendips> ¬_¬
[16:51] <bacon> my purpose is to live
[16:51] <bacon> :3
[16:51] <Ryuk> inside my belly
[16:51] <Ryuk> :)
[16:51] <chickendips> nope
[16:51] <bacon> ):
[16:52] <bacon> If I lived in your belly, your belly acid would burn my body alive
[16:52] <bacon> and it would be aslow and painful death
[16:52] <bacon> ):
[16:52] <Ryuk> but if you are not cooked you will go out of date and start smelling bad
[16:53] <bacon> no, im special bacon
[16:54] <bacon> plus anyways
[16:54] <bacon> Im not really bacon..
[16:54] <bacon> Im a shapeshifting narwhal
[16:54] <bacon> :3
[16:54] <Ryuk> :O
[16:54] <Ryuk> you you.....faker
[16:54] <bacon> no, I am a shapeshifting narwhale named bacon
[16:54] <bacon> :3
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Quote:<@PK8> This is Tim.
* @PK8 hugs Tim hello.
<Lyric> Is tim an alcoholic?
<@Lowell> thats quite a random question XD
<Tim> I don't drink very often and never really enough to get drunk.
<Tim> So I'd say no.
<Lyric> well that's how they're usually introduced
<Lyric> "I am tim, and I am an alcoholic."
<Tim> I thought it was "My name is..."
<Tim> Not "I am..."
<Tim> Interrupted with a "Hi ____!"
* @Lowell is a passive drunk
<+como|> my name is como, and lowell likes my legs
<chickendips> tiny tim?
<@Lowell> como your still flat
<Lyric> Oh, that could be.
<+como|> your words cannot hurt me!
<chickendips> lol
<Lyric> Lowell likes everyone's legs.
<@Lowell> Huh >.>
<chickendips> look, words are like bullets
<chickendips> -rofl-
<Lyric> I'm in a weird mood. Ignore me.
<@Lowell> I know I say I'm perverted but I never thought it was actually stick anywhere >.>
* +como ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
<Lyric> hahah stick anywhere
* @Olivia sits on Lowell's head out of boredom.
<Lyric> STICK anywhere
<@Olivia> lol
<@Olivia> sticky
<Lyric> You are sitting on his head?
<chickendips> T_G
<Lyric> haha
<chickendips> F_N
<@Olivia> hahaha
<@Lowell> Uh >.> wow
<chickendips> calm down lyric
<Lyric> I'm hyped on frosting. Cut me some slack.
<@Lowell> say I for Innuendo
<chickendips> FINE
<@Olivia> LOL
<@Olivia> :3
<@Olivia> XD
* Guardian hugs lyric
<Guardian> welcome to the corruption
<Guardian> :D
<Lyric> :(
This is from a few days (maybe even a week) ago, but I just dug it up since I forgot I wanted to post it. ^_^; Hyper Lyric was brilliantly witty throughout, but after this it got into some stuff I don't feel comfortable posting (*cough*and I didn't feel like going through the rest of it*cough*).