(06-06-2011, 06:06 PM)edmhotta Wrote: I have to thanks you. lol
Some results:
[Image: unled2rt.png] Ah ,see the left roff of house.Why on the right is normal and the left not.
And tell me more about this FPLE.

Those screen caps look amazing...so 3Dish. Very cheery

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[Image: image1ved.jpg]

thank you.

Is this a specification though the position of the character is a little different when rotating like the picture?
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Sinobi, check to make sure that your charset is properly centred it may just be that and not the script. :)
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MetalRenard >Because the display position is different even if which character image is used,
I think that it is a problem on the script side.
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There are two factors that cause the problem :
1. for a classic character sprite (32 * 48), feet are not at the bottom of the box (= the origin for the coordinates in the screen), and so they "fly" a little. To partially solve this problem, two rows are simply cut : for a 32 * 48 sprite, a 32 * 46 sprite is displayed -> see HM7 NEW CLASSES line 256 : @offset_height = 2

2. In a classic RM view, sprites are not displayed on the middle of their tile, but around the bottom of the tile. I tried to solve this with another offset -> see HM7 NEW CLASSES line 340 : y_intermediate = character.screen_y - 12

I think you can try to modify this line with : y_intermediate = character.screen_y - 16. Is it better ?
Some scripts :
Working on :
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It was possible to display it well. Many thanks.
I really like this script!!

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I am making an add-on script of H-mode7 script now. It is Universal Message System's comic_style.


I have only a little knowledge of RGSS.
However, because the H-mode7 script is too complex, I am embarrassed...
Please give me knowledge.

First of all, I think that I should acquire XY coordinates of the map's characters.
But, I don't understand coordinates corresponding to the rotation in H-mode7.

Perhaps, I think that it is OK if that coordinates are inserted in self.x self.y of UMS.

I have a lot of competitions with other scripts.
For instance, it is a shadow script, and a lightmap script, etc.

However, I think that I can apply by mimicking it if this is completed.

I'm sorry by poor English.
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In the UMS, windows positions are given by the methods screen_x and screen_y of the class Game_Character (and thus Game_Player and Game_Event).
You need to use the positions of the graphics elements instead of these ones.

In HM7, sprites are not used to display character but surfaces (HM7::Surface). That means that you have to get the surface linked to a character. The easiest way to do this is to add an attribute to the Game_Character class (attr_accessor :surface) and initialize it when a new surface is created (in the method initialize of the class HM7::Surface, add : character.surface = self).
Then if you are in HM7 mode and you have a character with character.surface != nil, it is possible to get the coordinates.

The methods screen_x and screen_y of the class HM7::Surface return the x and y coordinates in the screen, as if the map was flat (so without the y-offset due to the altitude).
The method get_zoom returns the zoom value.

If the camera is set in the default [C0] mode, the corrected y value is given by :
surface.screen_y - (surface.altitude * $game_temp.sin_alpha >> 14) * surface.get_zoom

If you're in [C1] or [C2] camera mode, it is a little more complex since you have to add to the obtained y value the y-offset of the tilemap : it is the variable @vars[4] that can be found in the class HM7::Tilemap.

Some scripts :
Working on :
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Thank you for explaining in detail. The display became possible thanks to the explanation.
You have helped me greatly. I appreciate your assistance indeed.

By the way, I also want the Mode7's FLAT function though it was also in a past log.
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Is there anyway to turn of the rotate camera script in certain maps?
i ask because im using a mock First Person veiw in dungeons and an isometric veiw in world maps and dont want the world maps to be able to rotate.
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