I suppose that you're using a code similar to the part : "DEMO : TEST CAMERA MOVES" to assign keys to camera commands.
In that case, you should replace :
elsif Input.press?(Input::L)
      elsif Input.press?(Input::R)
by :
elsif Input.press?(Input::L) && $game_switches[your_switch_id]
      elsif Input.press?(Input::R) && $game_switches[your_switch_id]

With this modification, if the switch which number is your_switch_id is active, so is the camera rotation.
Some scripts :
Working on :
Thank you, that works perfectly
So awesome,but I have a problem,when actor tranfer from mode7_map to normal_map,it's ok, but if from normal_map to mode7_map,it error in script HM7 MODIFIED CLASSES "line 589 undifined method each" ,can't you fix it :-s
finalholylight > There is certainly an error.
Add it to the 588th line. unless $game_system.hm7 592th line. end

I think that I move by this for the time being.

This is a critical bug (due to the v.1.1), so I'll post a v.1.2.2 this evening.
Thank you, finalholylight and sinobi.

EDIT : Et voilĂ , that's done.
Some scripts :
Working on :
How should I do though I want to slow down disappearing of the character a little more?
I want to give ANTI-LAG to give room a little more.

[Image: image1jv.jpg]

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How to fix that? It is possible?
This is a far vision ok?
[Image: imagemmu.jpg]
sinobi > you cannot do anything about the disappearance of events in the current version. I think I'll be able to solve that in the future v.1.3.

edmhotta > this problem is mainly due to the slant. At this angle, there is a big map distance between two screenlines, and element that should be between two screenlines are not drawn.
As you don't use the rotation, perhaps you could use a panorama that move at a certain speed to simulate the background.
Or maybe I should make a no-rotation version of the HM7 engine that handles automatically this kind of panorama (like the ones in the Ar Tonelico CBS Addon I posted here).
Some scripts :
Working on :
ok,Thanks in advance!
Is possible to get an animated texture like autotile?

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