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Quick question (God I miss the shoutbox) is there a way to disable autoscrolling to leave panoramas "fixed" while the character moves? Like this (quick example in RM2K3)?
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06-09-2022, 04:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-09-2022, 04:11 AM by DerVVulfman.)
It's in the Spriteset_Map code, the update method.
Simply block/comment out the two lines that adjust the panorama around like 120
Code: # Update panorama plane
#@panorama.ox = $game_map.display_x / 8
#@panorama.oy = $game_map.display_y / 8
Just like that.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
Above are clickable links
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Tried that and it didn't seem to have worked. I'm using Heretic's Loop maps script and parallax backgrounds. There's the issue:
As you can see here, there's a noticeable "hiccup" during the loop, something I thought could be fixed by locking the panorama at the center of the map.
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So I must assume his script adjusted something related to the Spriteset_Map code. For that, I would need to see the script.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
Above are clickable links
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06-10-2022, 02:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-10-2022, 02:21 AM by Steel Beast 6Beets.)
It's two scripts, actually. Heretic's Modular Passable and Loop Maps.
There's the later.
Code: #===============================================================================
# Version - 1.0
# Wednesday, March 25th, 2015
# --- Requirements and Installation ---
# This script should be placed DIRECTLY below Heretic's Modular Passable
# directly below Modular Collision Optimizer (recommended for performance) if
# it is used, or directly below Modular Passable.
# ----- FEATURES ------
# - Allows Maps to Loop like in RPG Maker VX and VX Ace
# - Can be turned on or off during gameplay
# - Allows for Panorama Tuning to adjust Panorama Speeds or Lock in place
# - Allows for Auto Scrolling of Panorama like in VX and VX Ace
# - Works with Fogs and Panoramas unlike other scripts
# - Compatible with Heretic's Cloud Altitude 2.2
# - Also compatible with Game Guy's Unlimited Fogs if you have Cloud Altitude
# ----- INSTRUCTIONS ------
# Install below Heretic's Modular Passable Script and above Main. You'll
# probably need to put it above other scripts that have Loop Map Compatability
# such as the Caterpillar, NPCs on Event Tiles, Diagonal Stairs, Bush Passages
# Hotfoot Tiles, and my Vehicles script.
# Once installed, scroll down to the Config and set up your game as you
# see fit. The Config is intended for maps that you always expect to
# have a Looping behavior.
# - SDK (if installed)
# - Heretic's Modular Passable (** Required **)
# - Heretic's Modular Collision Optimizer (Optional)
# - Heretic's Loop Maps (This Script)
# Heretic's Modular Collision Optimizer can be exceptionally useful for
# other scripters to be able to do things with Event Tiles in a manner
# that is actually efficient enough that collisions with these types
# of tiles do not affect performance. This script is NOT intended
# to be used for only increasing performances. I have noticed much
# better performance given the exceptionally high number of scripts
# that are created in the collection. Read the Documentation in
# the Collision Optimizer script for more information.
# ----- SCRIPT CALLS -----
# This script is actually pretty easy to use. If you want to set a Map to
# have a Looping property during gameplay, you can adjust it on the fly
# by using a Script Call: $game_map.loop_type = N The best results of
# this script are set in the Config section, so you won't really need
# to use these Script Calls during gameplay.
# By default, 0 is a Non Looping Map, which is default for all maps, except
# those specified in the Config. Loop Type of 1 is a Vertical Loop. A Loop
# Type of 2 is a Horizontal Loop. Loop Type of 3 is to Loop both Horizontal
# and Vertical.
# @>Script: $game_map.loop_type = 0 - No Loop
# @>Script: $game_map.loop_type = 1 - Loop Vertical
# @>Script: $game_map.loop_type = 2 - Loop Horizontal
# @>Script: $game_map.loop_type = 3 - Loop Vertical and Horizontal
# If you change the LOOP TYPE during gameplay, the Map will "snap" if the
# screen is displaying over a Map Edge. Changing the LOOP TYPE will usually
# look the best to Players if you change it while away from Map Edges so
# no "snapping" takes place. You can disable this "snapping" by running
# a script of $game_system.loop_snap = false, but as soon as the Player
# tries to move in the direction of the Map Edge, the Map will just
# "snap" anyway.
# NOTE: My Caterpillar Script has a feature to allow Characters to go off the
# edge of maps. This ONLY works if a Map is NOT Looping for the
# direction allowed. Thus, you can make a Map have a Vertical Loop
# and still allow Characters to walk off the side edges of the Map.
# ----- DETECTING LOOPS -----
# If you need to detect if a Map has Looped for some reason, you can check
# with a script to $game_map.looped which will return nil until the Player
# has caused the Map to Loop, at which time, will return the Direction of
# the way the Map has Looped. The value will be returned for ONE FRAME
# of UPDATE, then it will automatically be reset back to nil.
# In a Parallel Event, you can run this:
# @>Conditional Branch: Script: $game_map.looped != nil
# @> (your Event Stuff goes here)
# @>Branch End
# Some Panoramas do not tile properly, so it may be useful to "lock" these
# styles of panoramas in place, either Horizontally or Vertically. The
# ability to do this also allows you to alter the Panorama Scroll Speeds.
# Due to the way the Math came out, you'll need to use a value of 4 for
# you to "lock" a Panorama. Numbers less than 4 will cause the Panorama
# to move faster than the current map, and those greater than 4 will
# make the Panorama scroll slower than the current map. The default value
# is 8. Numbers greater than 8 scroll increasingly slowly, and numbers
# that are less than 8 will move slower than the map, but faster than the
# default Panorama Scroll Speed. This can be useful when you want to make
# something in the distance appear to be either much nearer or farther
# away from the Player's plane.
# $game_map.pan_scroll_x = 4 - Lock the X Panorama Scroll
# $game_map.pan_scroll_y = 4 - Lock the Y Panorama Scroll
# $game_map.pan_scroll_x = 8 - Default Panorama Scroll Speed
# $game_map.pan_scroll_y = 8 - Default Panorama Scroll Speed
# $game_map.pan_scroll_x = 16 - Very Slow Panorama X Scrolling (Distant)
# $game_map.pan_scroll_y = 16 - Very Slow Panorama Y Scrolling (Distant)
# $game_map.pan_scroll_x = 5 - Fast Panorama X Scrolling (Close Plane)
# $game_map.pan_scroll_y = 5 - Fast Panorama Y Scrolling (Close Plane)
# $game_map.pan_scroll_x = < 4 - Panorama X Scrolls faster than Map
# $game_map.pan_scroll_y = < 4 - Panorama Y Scrolls faster than Map
# You can set a Panorama to Scroll automagically either by setting a value
# in the Config section, or by making a Script Call. To enter a Config
# value for Auto Scrolling, X Scroll Speeds should be the 5th value and
# likewise, the Y Scroll Speed is the 6th value.
# Map Config: [map_id, loop_type, scroll_x_spd, scroll_y_spd, auto_x, auto_y]
# $game_map.panorama_ax = 4 - Automatically Scroll Panorama X
# $game_map.panorama_ax = 7.5 - Automatically Scroll Panorama Y
# NOTE: Maps do NOT need to Loop for Panorama Scrolling or Adjustments
# ----- KNOWN BUGS ------
# Loop maps does not appear to work with Pathfinders at this time.
# DOWNHILL ICE DELUXE can cause an "Artifact Glitch" where the bottom
# of sprites appears at the top of the screen. You can avoid this Glitch
# in Mapping Technique. It only occurs if the Player steps onto Downhill
# Ice at the very bottom of a Looping Map. You can allow the Player to
# slide infinitely, just block access from stepping on to the infinite
# or looping ice at the very bottom of your map.
# Map ID - Obvious
# Loop Type:
# 0 - No Looping (Normal Maps and Collisions
# 1 - Vertical Loop, no Horizontal
# 2 - Horizontal Loop, no Vertical
# 3 - Loop Horizontal and Vertical
# ----- CONFIG -----
# Edit these values to suit your game
# Map Config: [map_id, loop_type, scroll_x, scroll_y, auto_x, auto_y]
# NOTE: You don't need to put Names in for each entry
# Example: [map_id = 1, loop_type = 3, nil, 16, -10.5, 14]
LOOP_MAPS = [ # Leave this character here!
[map_id = 74, loop_type = 3, 4, 4, nil, nil], # Put commas if not the last set of []
[map_id = 479, loop_type = 2],
[map_id = 73, loop_type = 3],
[map_id = 72, loop_type = 3, nil, 16, nil, nil],
[map_id = 134, loop_type = 3],
[map_id = 132, loop_type = 3]
] # Leave this character here!
# Adjustment to Top Edge of Map (Default)
LOOP_TOP_OFFSET = 2 #64 pixels or 2 tiles
# ----- END CONFIG -----
# Check for Modular Passable Script - REQUIRED - DO NOT EDIT
unless $Modular_Passable
print "Fatal Error: Heretics Loop Maps script\n",
"requires Heretics Modular Passable Script!\n\n",
"Modular Passable is Not Available or is below this script.\n",
"Modular Passable MUST be above this script.\n\n",
"The Game will now Exit"
# ** Game_Map - Class
class Game_Map
# * Public Instance Variables - Game_Map
attr_reader :loop_type # 0:Off 1:Vertical 2:Horizontal 3:Both
attr_accessor :looped # Returns Direction if Map Looped or nil
attr_accessor :fog_ox # Fog Origin X
attr_accessor :fog_oy # Fog Origin Y
attr_accessor :loop_snap # If corrections to Display on value change
attr_accessor :loop_top_offset # Adjusts Top Edge for larger Maps
attr_accessor :loop_side_offset # Adjusts Side Edges for larger Maps
attr_accessor :loop_pan_x # Panorama Adjustment when Looping Horizontal
attr_accessor :loop_pan_y # Panorama Adjustment when Looping Vertical
attr_accessor :pan_scroll_x # Panorama Scroll Rate X Override
attr_accessor :pan_scroll_y # Panorama Scroll Rate Y Override
attr_accessor :panorama_ax # Panorama Auto Scroll X Speed
attr_accessor :panorama_ay # Panorama Auto Scroll Y Speed
attr_accessor :pan_ax_counter # Panorama Adjustment Counter
attr_accessor :pan_ay_counter # Panorama Adjustment Counter
# * Setup - Game_Map
# map_id : Map ID
alias loop_map_setup setup unless $@
def setup(map_id)
# Set the Default Loop Type
@loop_type = 0
# Returns Direction of Loop for ONE FRAME of UPDATE when a Map has Looped
@looped = nil
# Panorama Adjustments for Looping
@loop_pan_x = 0
@loop_pan_y = 0
# Top Loop / Side Offsets from Config
@loop_top_offset = LOOP_TOP_OFFSET
@loop_side_offset = LOOP_SIDE_OFFSET
# Adjust Display Values on Loop Type Change (false due to Bugs, artifacts)
@loop_snap = true
# Default Found Loop Map in Config
found_loop_map = false
# If Config has Looping Map
for loops in LOOP_MAPS
# If Config is set for this Map ID
if loops[0] == map_id
# Found the Map
found_loop_map = true
# Set Loop Type based on Config
@loop_type = loops[1]
# Panorama Scroll Speed Adjustments
@pan_scroll_x = (loops[2]) ? loops[2] : nil
@pan_scroll_y = (loops[3]) ? loops[3] : nil
# Panorama Auto Scroll Speeds
@panorama_ax = (loops[4]) ? loops[4] : 0
@panorama_ay = (loops[5]) ? loops[5] : 0
# Check Nonexistent Values or Missing Config
@panorama_ax = 0 if @panorama_ax.nil?
@panorama_ay = 0 if @panorama_ay.nil?
# Panorama Adjustment Counters
@pan_ax_counter = 0
@pan_ay_counter = 0
# Call Original or other Aliases of Setup
# If Loop Map Config is not found
if not found_loop_map
# Clear these values
@pan_scroll_x = nil
@pan_scroll_y = nil
@panorama_ax = 0
@panorama_ay = 0
# * Loop_Type= (Setter Method) - Game_Map
# - Changes Map Loop Type and Display Values appropriately
# NOTE: Buggy! More work is needed to prevent visual artifacts when
# the Display Values are adjusted by a vast degree. Recommend
# to only use in the midde of a map where there is no "snap".
def loop_type=(i)
# If Valid
if [0,1,2,3].include?(i)
# Change to New Value
@loop_type = i
# Update Display X
if [0,1].include?(i) and @loop_snap and
(@display_x < 0 or @display_x > (self.width - 20) * 128)
# Shorthand for Player X
x = $game_player.x
# Max X
mx = ($game_map.width - 20) * 128
# Correct Center Screen X
$game_map.display_x = [0, [x * 128 - Game_Player::CENTER_X,mx].min].max
# If Map Scene
if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)
# Correct Map Positions of ALL Events (unless allowed Off Map)
# Force an Update of ALL Sprite Positions
# Correct Panorama Positions
# Update Display Y
if [0,2].include?(i) and @loop_snap and
(@display_y < 0 or @display_y > (self.height - 15) * 128)
# Shorthand for Player Y
y = $game_player.y
# Max Y
my = ($game_map.height - 15) * 128
# Correct Center Screen
$game_map.display_y = [0, [y * 128 - Game_Player::CENTER_Y,my].min].max
# If Map Scene
if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)
# Correct Map Positions of ALL Events (unless allowed Off Map)
# Force an Update of ALL Sprite Positions
# Correct Panorama Positions
# * Loop? - Game_Map
def loop?
# True if Loop is 1, 2, or 3
return (@loop_type > 0)
# * Loop Horizontally? - Game_Map
def loop_horizontal?
return (@loop_type == 2 or @loop_type == 3)
# * Loop Vertically? - Game_Map
def loop_vertical?
return (@loop_type == 1 or @loop_type == 3)
# * Determine Valid Coordinates - Game_Map
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
# d : direction (0,2,4,6,8,10)
# * 0,10 = determine if all directions are impassable
# self_event : Character calling $game_map.passable
# result : true or false passed as an arg by Aliases
# - Added all available arguments for other Aliases to alter result
# - Adjusts X and Y values for Looping Maps
alias map_loop_valid? valid? unless $@
def valid?(x, y, d = nil, self_event = nil, result = nil)
# Fix X Value to Map Range if Map Loops Horizontally
x %= @map.width if loop_horizontal?
# Fix Y Value to Map Range if Map Loops Vertically
y %= @map.height if loop_vertical?
# Call Original or other Aliases
map_loop_valid?(x, y, d, self_event, result)
# * Passable? - Game_Map
# - Adjusts X and Y values for Looping Maps
alias map_loop_passable? passable? unless $@
def passable?(x, y, d, self_event = nil)
# Fix X Value to Map Range if Map Loops Horizontally
x %= @map.width if loop_horizontal?
# Fix Y Value to Map Range if Map Loops Vertically
y %= @map.height if loop_vertical?
# Call Original or other Aliases with updated X and Y
map_loop_passable?(x, y, d, self_event)
# * Scroll Down - Game_Map
# distance : scroll distance
alias map_loop_scroll_down scroll_down unless $@
def scroll_down(distance)
# If Map Loops Vertically
if loop_vertical?
# Update Display with no Limiters
@display_y += distance
# Call Original or other Aliases
# * Scroll Left - Game_Map
# distance : scroll distance
alias map_loop_scroll_left scroll_left unless $@
def scroll_left(distance)
# If Map Loops Horizontal
if loop_horizontal?
# Update Display with no Limiters
@display_x -= distance
# Call Original or other Aliases
# * Scroll Right - Game_Map
# distance : scroll distance
alias map_loop_scroll_right scroll_right unless $@
def scroll_right(distance)
# If Map Loops Horizontal
if loop_horizontal?
@display_x += distance
# Call Original or other Aliases
# * Scroll Up - Game_Map
# distance : scroll distance
alias map_loop_scroll_up scroll_up unless $@
def scroll_up(distance)
# If Map Loops Vertically
if loop_vertical?
@display_y -= distance
# Call Original or other Aliases
# * Get Terrain Tag - Game_Map
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
alias loop_map_terrain_tag terrain_tag unless $@
def terrain_tag(x, y)
# Adjust X Value if Map Loops Horizontally
x %= width if loop_horizontal?
# Adjust Y Value if Map Loops Vertically
y %= height if loop_vertical?
# Call Original or other Aliases with any Adjusted Arguments
return loop_map_terrain_tag(x, y)
# * Determine Thicket (Bush) - Game_Map
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
alias loop_map_bush? bush? unless $@
def bush?(x, y)
# Adjust X Value if Map Loops Horizontally
x %= width if loop_horizontal?
# Adjust Y Value if Map Loops Vertically
y %= height if loop_vertical?
# Call Original or other Aliases with any Adjusted Arguments
return loop_map_bush?(x, y)
# * Adjust X - Game_Map
# x : Real X of Character
def adjust_x(x)
# Display X in "tile values".
dx = @display_x / 128.0
# 20 represents the number of horizontal tiles in the screen.
if loop_horizontal?
# If Map Loop to the Right and Character close to Left Edge
return x - dx + @map.width if x < dx - (width - 20) / 2
# Top Map Edge Adjustment for Sprites at Bottom Edge of Maps
e = $game_map.loop_side_offset
# If Map Loop to the Left and Character close to Right Edge
return x - dx - @map.width if dx < 0 + e and x > dx + (width + 20) / 2
return x - dx
# * Adjust Y - Game_Map
# - Limit is "Softened" by 2 tiles to allow proper rendering along
# Map Edges so map sizes may need to be increased accordingly
# y : Real Y of Character
def adjust_y(y)
# Display Y in "tile values".
dy = @display_y / 128.0
# 15 represents the number of vertical tiles in the screen.
if loop_vertical?
# If Map Loops to the Bottom and Character close to Top Edge
return y - dy + @map.height if y < dy - (height - 15) / 2
# Top Map Edge Adjustment for Sprites at Bottom Edge of Maps
t = $game_map.loop_top_offset
# If Map Loops to the Top and Character close to Bottom Edge
return y - dy - @map.height if dy < 0 + t and y > dy + (height + 15) / 2
return y - dy
# * Force Event Loop Round Positions - Game_Map
# - Called when Loop Type is changed to correct all map positions
def force_event_loop_round_positions
# For ALL Events
for event in @events.values
# Corrects Looping Map Positions
# ** Sprite_Character - Class
class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite
# * Loop Force Position Update
# - Called when Loop Type is changed to correct all Sprite Screen Positions
def loop_force_position_update
# Set sprite coordinates
self.x = @character.screen_x
self.y = @character.screen_y
self.z = @character.screen_z(@ch)
# ** Spriteset_Map - Class
class Spriteset_Map
# * Spriteset Force Position Update - Spriteset_Map
# - Called when Loop Type is changed to correct all Sprite Screen Positions
def spriteset_force_position_update
for sprite in @character_sprites
# Force an Update now of all Sprite Locations due to a Loop Change
# * Panorama Update Loop Scroll - Spriteset_Map
# - Updates Panorama Scrolling on either Looping or Non Looping Maps
def panorama_update_loop_scroll
# If Panorama Scroll X Value is adjusted
if $game_map.pan_scroll_x
# Adjust the Panorama X Position
@panorama.ox = $game_map.display_x / $game_map.pan_scroll_x
# If Panorama Scroll Y Value is adjusted
if $game_map.pan_scroll_y
# Adjust the Panorama Y Position
@panorama.oy = $game_map.display_y / $game_map.pan_scroll_y
# Shortcut
p = @panorama
# Clear Fog Looping Flags and adjust Auto Scrolling
@panorama.ox += $game_map.loop_pan_x + $game_map.pan_ax_counter
@panorama.oy += $game_map.loop_pan_y + $game_map.pan_ay_counter
@panorama.ox = 0
@panorama.oy = 0
# If Panorama
if @panorama_name != ""
# Adjust Panorama Counters
$game_map.pan_ax_counter += $game_map.panorama_ax / 8.0
$game_map.pan_ay_counter += $game_map.panorama_ay / 8.0
# Round Values based on size and zoom of Panorama
$game_map.pan_ax_counter %= @panorama.bitmap.width * @panorama.zoom_x
$game_map.pan_ay_counter %= @panorama.bitmap.height * @panorama.zoom_y
# * Update - Spriteset_Map
# - Adjusts Panorama Position on Looping Maps
# - Allows specific control over Panorama Scroll Rates
alias loop_map_sprite_map_update update unless $@
def update
# Call Original or other Aliases
# Update Panorama Scrolling
class Scene_Map
# * Loop Spriteset - Scene_Map
# - Just returns the Spriteset Object
def loop_spriteset
return @spriteset
# * Force Sprites Position Update - Scene_Map
# - Calls command in the Spriteset Object
# - Called when Loop Type is changed
def force_sprites_position_update
# * Panorama Update Loop Scroll - Scene_Map
# - Causes Panorama Positions to Update
# - Called when Loop Type is changed
def panorama_update_loop_scroll
# ** Interpreter
class Interpreter
# * Change Map Settings - Interpreter
alias loop_map_change_map_settings_command_204 command_204 unless $@
def command_204
# Reset Background 2 when Background 1 is changed
case @parameters[0]
when 0 # panorama
# Reset the Counters used for Scrolling
$game_map.pan_ay_counter = 0
$game_map.pan_ay_counter = 0
# Continue
return loop_map_change_map_settings_command_204
# ** Game_Character - Class
class Game_Character
# * Make New XY - Game_Character
# - Makes New Coordinates for X and Y (4 Directional Movement)
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
# d : direction (0,2,4,6,8)
# result : Array passed as an arg by Aliases
# NOTE: Must return an Array of New Map Coordinates [new_x, new_y]
# new_x, new_y = make_new_xy(x, y, d)
# - This can be Aliased to alter New Coordinates based on other conditions
alias map_loop_make_new_xy make_new_xy unless $@
def make_new_xy(x, y, d, result = nil)
# Get the New X and New Y Results of Make New XY
new_x, new_y = map_loop_make_new_xy(x, y, d, result)
# Fix X Value to Map Range if Map Loops Horizontally
new_x %= $game_map.width if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
# Fix Y Value to Map Range if Map Loops Vertically
new_y %= $game_map.height if $game_map.loop_vertical?
# Return Loop Adjusted Values
return [new_x, new_y]
# * Make New XY 8D - Game_Character
# - Make New Coordinates for X and Y (8 Directional Movement)
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
# d : direction (0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 no 5)
# result : Array passed as an arg by Aliases
# - This method is not called, but is available if needed
# Note: Bit Flipping with 10 - d works, 10 - 9 (up right) = 1 (down left)
# Note: Must return an Array of New Map Coordinates [new_x, new_y]
# new_x, new_y = make_new_xy_8d(x, y, d)
alias map_loop_make_new_xy_8d make_new_xy_8d unless $@
def make_new_xy_8d(x, y, d, result = nil)
# Get the New X and New Y Results of Make New XY
new_x, new_y = map_loop_make_new_xy_8d(x, y, d, result)
# Fix X Value to Map Range if Map Loops Horizontally
new_x %= $game_map.width if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
# Fix Y Value to Map Range if Map Loops Vertically
new_y %= $game_map.height if $game_map.loop_vertical?
# Return Loop Adjusted Values
return [new_x, new_y]
# * Player Conditions? - Game_Character
# - Return true / false if conditions met
# - If New Location matches Player Position and Player not Through
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
# d : direction (0,2,4,6,8,10)
# * 0,10 = determine if all directions are impassable
# new_x : Target X Coordinate
# new_y : Target Y Coordinate
# result : values other than nil by Aliases override checks here
alias loop_map_player_conditions? player_conditions? unless $@
def player_conditions?(x, y, d, new_x, new_y, result = nil)
# Ignore other Results and check for Looping Maps
if $game_map.loop?
# Game Player Shorthand
p = $game_player
# Adjust Player's X Location If map Loops Horizontal
px = ($game_map.loop_horizontal?) ? p.x % $game_map.width : p.x
# Adjust Player's Y Location If map Loops Vertical
py = ($game_map.loop_vertical?) ? p.y % $game_map.height : p.y
# If Coordinates match Player Location and Player Through is Off
if px == new_x and py == new_y and not $game_player.through
# Conditions are met
return true
# Call Original or other Aliases
loop_map_player_conditions?(x, y, d, new_x, new_y, result)
# * Passable? - Game_Character
# - Adjusts X and Y Argument Values for Looping Maps
alias map_loop_character_passable? passable? unless $@
def passable?(x, y, d)
# Fix X Value to Map Range if Map Loops Horizontally
x %= $game_map.width if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
# Fix Y Value to Map Range if Map Loops Vertically
y %= $game_map.height if $game_map.loop_vertical?
# Call Original or other Aliases with updated X and Y
map_loop_character_passable?(x, y, d)
# * Make Events List - Game_Character
# - Similar to Make Passable List
# - Intended for use in Non Passable determining methods in other Scripts
# - Intended to be aliased where X and Y values can be adjusted as needed
# - Excludes other Arguments needed by Make Passable List
# - Used by other Scripts with Triggers when X or Y have no arguments to fix
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
# results : Array from other Aliases to override default results
alias loop_map_make_events_list make_events_list unless $@
def make_events_list(x, y, results = nil)
# Determine Corrected Coordinates for Target
x = ($game_map.loop_horizontal?) ? x % $game_map.width : x
y = ($game_map.loop_vertical?) ? y % $game_map.height : y
# Call Original or other Aliases with Adjusted Arguments
loop_map_make_events_list(x, y, results)
# * Passable Conditions? - Game_Character
# - Return true / false if conditions met
# - Conditions for running Passability Checks on an Event
# - Typically an Event isnt checking itself, Through, and Coordinates match
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
# d : direction (0,2,4,6,8,10)
# * 0,10 = determine if all directions are impassable
# new_x : Target X Coordinate
# new_y : Target Y Coordinate
# event : Iterated Event made by make_passable_list
# result : values other than nil by Aliases override checks here
alias loop_map_passable_conditions? passable_conditions?
def passable_conditions?(x, y, d, new_x, new_y, event, result = nil)
# Ignore other results if Looping Maps
if $game_map.loop?
# Adjust Coordinates for Looping Maps
ex = ($game_map.loop_horizontal?) ? event.x % $game_map.width : event.x
ey = ($game_map.loop_vertical?) ? event.y % $game_map.height : event.y
new_x = ($game_map.loop_horizontal?) ? new_x % $game_map.width : new_x
new_y = ($game_map.loop_vertical?) ? new_y % $game_map.height : new_y
# Check Adjusted Coordinates for Position Match, Through, and Self
if ex == new_x and ey == new_y and not event.through and event != self
# Check this Event
return true
# Call Original or other Aliases
loop_map_passable_conditions?(x, y, d, new_x, new_y, event, result)
# * Other Passable? - Game_Character
# - Adjusts Arguments of Aliases for Looping Maps
# - Used by Heretic's Caterpillar 2.0
# - Use any additional conditions for denying Passable
# x, new_x : x-coordinate
# y, new_y : y-coordinate
alias loop_map_other_passable? other_passable? unless $@
def other_passable?(x, y, d, new_x, new_y, result = nil)
# If Map Loops Horizontal
if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
# Adjust the X Arguments to pass to Original or other Aliases
x %= $game_map.width
new_x %= $game_map.width
# If Map Loops Vertical
if $game_map.loop_vertical?
# Adjust the Y Arguments to pass to Original or other Aliases
y %= $game_map.height
new_y %= $game_map.height
# Call Original or other Aliases with Modified Arguments except Results
loop_map_other_passable?(x, y, d, new_x, new_y, result)
# * MP Match Coordinates - Game_Character
# - Modular Passable
# - Adjusts Coordinates for Looping Maps without affecting Results
# x, tx : x-coordinate and Target x-coordinate to Match
# y, ty : y-coordinate and Target Y-coordinate to Match
alias loop_map_mp_match_coordinates? mp_match_coordinates? unless $@
def mp_match_coordinates?(x, y, tx, ty)
# If Map Loops Horizontal
if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
# Adjust the X Arguments to pass to Original or other Aliases
x %= $game_map.width
tx %= $game_map.width
# If Map Loops Vertical
if $game_map.loop_vertical?
# Adjust the X Arguments to pass to Original or other Aliases
y %= $game_map.height
ty %= $game_map.height
# Call Original or other Aliases with any Adjusted Coordinates
loop_map_mp_match_coordinates?(x, y, tx, ty)
# * Character Distance - Game_Character
# - Returns the X and Y Distance between self and another Character
# - Checks for Maps that Loop either Horizontal or Vertical
# target : Character (Player or Event)
def character_distance(target)
# Determine Corrected Coordinates for Looping Maps
x = ($game_map.loop_horizontal?) ? @x % $game_map.width : @x
y = ($game_map.loop_vertical?) ? @y % $game_map.height : @y
# Determine Corrected Coordinates for Target
tx = ($game_map.loop_horizontal?) ? target.x % $game_map.width : target.x
ty = ($game_map.loop_vertical?) ? target.y % $game_map.height : target.y
# Get difference in target coordinates
dx = x - tx
dy = y - ty
# If Map Loops Horizontal and Distance is more than Half the Map
if $game_map.loop_horizontal? and dx.abs > $game_map.width / 2
# Adjust X Distance for Horizontal Looping Map
dx += (dx < 0) ? $game_map.width : -$game_map.width
# If Map Loops Vertical and Distance is more than Half the Map
if $game_map.loop_vertical? and dy.abs > $game_map.height / 2
# Adjust X Distance for Vertical Looping Map
dy += (dy < 0) ? $game_map.height : -$game_map.height
# Return Difference X and Y values as Array
return [dx, dy]
# * Turn Towards Player - Game_Character
def turn_toward_player
# Don't Turn if Direction Fix is ON
return if @direction_fix
# Determine Correct Distance to Target for Looping Maps
sx, sy = character_distance($game_player)
# If coordinates are equal
if sx == 0 and sy == 0
# If horizontal distance is longer
if sx.abs > sy.abs
# Turn to the right or left towards player
sx > 0 ? turn_left : turn_right
# If vertical distance is longer
# Turn up or down towards player
sy > 0 ? turn_up : turn_down
# * Turn Away from Player - Game_Character
def turn_away_from_player
# Don't Turn if Direction Fix is ON
return if @direction_fix
# Determine Correct Distance to Target for Looping Maps
sx, sy = character_distance($game_player)
# If coordinates are equal
if sx == 0 and sy == 0
# If horizontal distance is longer
if sx.abs > sy.abs
# Turn to the right or left away from player
sx > 0 ? turn_right : turn_left
# If vertical distance is longer
# Turn up or down away from player
sy > 0 ? turn_down : turn_up
# * Move toward Player - Game_Character
def move_toward_player
# Determine Correct Distance to Target for Looping Maps
sx, sy = character_distance($game_player)
# If coordinates are equal
if sx == 0 and sy == 0
# Get absolute value of difference
abs_sx = sx.abs
abs_sy = sy.abs
# If horizontal and vertical distances are equal
if abs_sx == abs_sy
# Increase one of them randomly by 1
rand(2) == 0 ? abs_sx += 1 : abs_sy += 1
# If horizontal distance is longer
if abs_sx > abs_sy
# Move towards player, prioritize left and right directions
sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right
if not moving? and sy != 0
sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down
# If vertical distance is longer
# Move towards player, prioritize up and down directions
sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down
if not moving? and sx != 0
sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right
# * Move away from Player
def move_away_from_player
# Determine Correct Distance to Target for Looping Maps
sx, sy = character_distance($game_player)
# If coordinates are equal
if sx == 0 and sy == 0
# Get absolute value of difference
abs_sx = sx.abs
abs_sy = sy.abs
# If horizontal and vertical distances are equal
if abs_sx == abs_sy
# Increase one of them randomly by 1
rand(2) == 0 ? abs_sx += 1 : abs_sy += 1
# If horizontal distance is longer
if abs_sx > abs_sy
# Move away from player, prioritize left and right directions
sx > 0 ? move_right : move_left
if not moving? and sy != 0
sy > 0 ? move_down : move_up
# If vertical distance is longer
# Move away from player, prioritize up and down directions
sy > 0 ? move_down : move_up
if not moving? and sx != 0
sx > 0 ? move_right : move_left
# * Make New XY Hash Conditions? - Game_Character
# - Determines if Event does not match the Stored Hash Keys
# - Used only if Modular Collision Optimizer is installed
def make_new_xy_hash_conditions?(x, y)
# Correct Arguments for Looping Maps
x = $game_map.loop_horizontal? ? x % $game_map.width : x
y = $game_map.loop_vertical? ? y % $game_map.height : y
# Evaluate the Conditions
return (@map_hash_x != x or @map_hash_y != y)
# * Make New XY Hash Keys - Game_Character
# - Creates X and Y Hash Keys using Rounded X and Y Values
# - Used only if Modular Collision Optimizer is installed
def make_new_xy_hash_keys
x = $game_map.loop_horizontal? ? @x.round % $game_map.width : @x.round
y = $game_map.loop_vertical? ? @y.round % $game_map.height : @y.round
return [x,y]
# * Screen X - Game_Character
# - Get Screen X-Coordinates
def screen_x
# Adjust for Looping Maps and Ceil to prevent Screen Event Tearing
return ($game_map.adjust_x(@real_x / 128.0) * 32 + 16).ceil
# * Screen Y - Game_Character
# - Get Screen Y-Coordinates
def screen_y
# Determine Jump Height
height = (@jump_peak * @jump_peak - (@jump_count - @jump_peak).abs ** 2) / 2
# Adjust for Looping Maps and Ceil to prevent Screen Event Tearing
return ($game_map.adjust_y(@real_y / 128.0) * 32 + 32 - height).ceil
# * Screen Z - Game_Character
# - Get Screen Z-Coordinates
# height : character height
alias loop_map_screen_z screen_z unless $@
def screen_z(height = 0)
z = loop_map_screen_z(height)
# Correct Z Index If Map Loops Vertical
return ($game_map.loop_vertical? and not @always_on_top) ?
z % ($game_map.height * 32.0) : z
# ** Game_Event - Class
class Game_Event
# * Check Event Trigger Touch - Game_Event
# - Touch Event Starting Determinant (Event Touches Player)
alias loop_map_check_event_trigger_touch check_event_trigger_touch unless $@
def check_event_trigger_touch(x, y)
# If event is running
if $game_system.map_interpreter.running?
# If trigger is [touch from event] and consistent with player coordinates
if @trigger == 2 and
mp_match_coordinates?(x, y, $game_player.x, $game_player.y)
# If starting determinant other than jumping is front event
if not jumping? and not over_trigger?
# * Check Event Trigger Auto - Game_Event
# - Automatic Event Starting Determinant
def check_event_trigger_auto
# If trigger is [touch from event] and consistent with player coordinates
if @trigger == 2 and
mp_match_coordinates?(@x, @y, $game_player.x, $game_player.y)
# If starting determinant other than jumping is same position event
if not jumping? and over_trigger?
# If trigger is [auto run]
if @trigger == 3
# * Force Loop Round Positions - Game_Event
# - Called when Map Loop Type is changd to correct positions
# - Ignores Map Loop Properties when called
def force_loop_round_positions
# If not Allowed Off Map (Property of Heretic's Caterpillar or Other)
if not (@through and @allowed_off_map)
# Round X Coordinates
@x %= $game_map.width
# If Moving Horizontal
d = (@real_x != @x * 128) ? @real_x - @x * 128 : 0
# Correct Real X Coordinates to suit Animations
if d.abs > $game_map.width * 64
@real_x += (d < 0) ? $game_map.width * 128 : $game_map.width * -128
@real_x %= $game_map.width * 128
# Round Y Coordinates
@y %= $game_map.height
# If Moving Vertical
d = (@real_y != @y * 128) ? @real_y - @y * 128 : 0
# Correct Real Y Coordinates to suit Animations
if d.abs > $game_map.height * 64
@real_y += (d < 0) ? $game_map.height * 128 : $game_map.height * -128
@real_y %= $game_map.height * 128
# * Loop Round Coordinates - Game_Event
# - Corrects self position based on Looping Maps
def loop_round_coordinates
# If Map Loops Horizontally and Out of Map Range (No X Loop is Caterpillar)
if $game_map.loop_horizontal? and not @no_x_loop_round and
(@real_x < 0 or @real_x > $game_map.width * 128)
# Correct Event's Position
@x %= $game_map.width
@real_x %= $game_map.width * 128
# If Map Loops Vertically and Out of Map Range (No Y Loop is Caterpillar)
if $game_map.loop_vertical? and not @no_y_loop_round and
(@real_y < 0 or @real_y > $game_map.height * 128)
# Correct Event's Position
@y %= $game_map.height
@real_y %= $game_map.height * 128
# * Update - Game_Event
alias loop_map_event_update update unless $@
def update
# Check for Looping Maps and adjust out of range coordinates
# Call Original or other Aliases
# ** Game_Player
class Game_Player
# * Check Event Trigger Here - Game_Player (FULL REDEFINITION)
# - Same Position Starting Determinant
# - Fully Redefines method Check Event Trigger Here
# triggers : Array of @trigger[0,1,2] Action Button, Player / Event Touch
def check_event_trigger_here(triggers)
result = false
# If event is running
if $game_system.map_interpreter.running?
return result
# Create an Array of Events to check Triggers
event_list = make_events_list(@x, @y)
# Loop Events in List
for event in event_list
# If Coordinat Match and Triggers Arg is consistent with Event's Trigger
if mp_match_coordinates?(@x, @y, event.x, event.y) and
# If starting determinant is same position event (other than jumping)
if not event.jumping? and event.over_trigger?
result = true
return result
# * Check Event Trigger There - Game_Player (FULL REDEFINITION)
# - Front Envent Starting Determinant
# triggers : [0,1,2] for Action Button, Player Touch, Event Touch
def check_event_trigger_there(triggers)
result = false
# If event is running
if $game_system.map_interpreter.running?
return result
# Calculate front event coordinates
new_x, new_y = make_new_xy(@x, @y, @direction)
# Create an Array of Events to check Triggers
event_list = make_events_list(new_x, new_y)
# Loop Events in List
for event in event_list
# If event coordinates and triggers are consistent
if mp_match_coordinates?(new_x, new_y, event.x, event.y) and
# If starting determinant is front event (other than jumping)
if not event.jumping? and not event.over_trigger?
result = true
# If fitting event is not found
if result == false
# If front tile is a counter
if $game_map.counter?(new_x, new_y)
# Calculate 1 tile inside coordinates
new_x, new_y = make_new_xy(new_x, new_y, @direction)
# Create an Array of Events to check Triggers
event_list = make_events_list(new_x, new_y)
# Loop Events in List
for event in event_list
# If event coordinates and triggers are consistent
if mp_match_coordinates?(new_x, new_y, event.x, event.y) and
# If starting determinant is front event (other than jumping)
if not event.jumping? and not event.over_trigger?
result = true
return result
# * Check Event Trigger Touch - Game_Player
# - Touch Event Starting Determinant
alias map_loop_check_event_trigger_touch check_event_trigger_touch unless $@
def check_event_trigger_touch(x, y)
# Correct X and Y values for Looping Maps
x = x % $game_map.width if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
y = y % $game_map.height if $game_map.loop_vertical?
# Use Corrected X and Y for Looping Maps to check Touch Triggers
return map_loop_check_event_trigger_touch(x, y)
# * Center - Game_Player
# - Positions Player
# - Set Map Display Position to Center of Screen
alias loop_map_center center unless $@
def center(x, y)
# Call Original or other Aliases
loop_map_center(x, y)
# Recenter Display Horizontally if Map Loops Horizontal
$game_map.display_x = x * 128 - CENTER_X if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
# Recenter Display Vertically if Map Loops Vertical
$game_map.display_y = y * 128 - CENTER_Y if $game_map.loop_vertical?
# * Correct Loop Left - Game_Player
# - Corrects Player Coordinates, Fogs, and Panoramas on a Map Loop
def correct_loop_left(scroll_dist = 0)
# Set Looped Property for Scripts to check Value for one frame
$game_map.looped = 4
# Fix Player's Position
@x %= $game_map.width
@real_x %= $game_map.width * 128
# Correct Map Display (Optional Arg for Corrections from other scripts)
$game_map.display_x %= $game_map.width * 128
$game_map.display_x += scroll_dist
# Correct Fog Display
$game_map.fog_ox -= $game_map.width * 32.0
# If Game Guy's Unlimited Fogs with Heretic's Cloud Altitude
if $scene.loop_spriteset.respond_to?(:get_all_multi_fogs)
# Select each Fog in Spriteset Array
for i in 1...$scene.loop_spriteset.get_all_multi_fogs.size
# Shorthand for the Unlimited Fog Object
fog = $scene.loop_spriteset.get_all_multi_fogs[i]
# Adjust Fog Position for Loop Display
fog.real_ox -= $game_map.width * 32.0
# Panorama Scroll Speed Adjustment
pscroll_x = ($game_map.pan_scroll_x) ? $game_map.pan_scroll_x / 8.0 : 1.0
# Correct Panorama Display
$game_map.loop_pan_x -= $game_map.width * 16.0 / pscroll_x
# * Correct Loop Right - Game_Player
# - Corrects Player Coordinates, Fogs, and Panoramas on a Map Loop
def correct_loop_right(scroll_dist = 0)
# Set Looped Property for Scripts to check Value for one frame
$game_map.looped = 6
# Fix Player's Position
@x %= $game_map.width
@real_x %= ($game_map.width * 128)
# Correct Map Display (Optional Arg for Corrections from other scripts)
$game_map.display_x %= $game_map.width * 128
$game_map.display_x -= $game_map.width * 128 + scroll_dist
# Correct Fog Display
$game_map.fog_ox += $game_map.width * 32.0
# If Game Guy's Unlimited Fogs with Heretic's Cloud Altitude
if $scene.loop_spriteset.respond_to?(:get_all_multi_fogs)
# Select each Fog in Spriteset Array
for i in 1...$scene.loop_spriteset.get_all_multi_fogs.size
# Shorthand for the Unlimited Fog Object
fog = $scene.loop_spriteset.get_all_multi_fogs[i]
# Adjust Fog Position for Loop Display
fog.real_ox += $game_map.width * 32.0
# Panorama Scroll Speed Adjustment
pscroll_x = ($game_map.pan_scroll_x) ? $game_map.pan_scroll_x / 8.0 : 1.0
# Correct Panorama Display
$game_map.loop_pan_x += $game_map.width * 16 / pscroll_x
# * Correct Loop Up - Game_Player
# - Corrects Player Coordinates, Fogs, and Panoramas on a Map Loop
def correct_loop_up(scroll_dist = 0)
# Set Looped Property for Scripts to check Value for one frame
$game_map.looped = 8
# Fix Player's Position
@y %= $game_map.height
@real_y %= $game_map.height * 128
# Correct Map Display (Optional Arg for Corrections from other scripts)
$game_map.display_y %= $game_map.height * 128
$game_map.display_y += scroll_dist
# Correct Fog Display
$game_map.fog_oy -= $game_map.height * 32.0
# If Game Guy's Unlimited Fogs with Heretic's Cloud Altitude
if $scene.loop_spriteset.respond_to?(:get_all_multi_fogs)
# Select each Fog in Spriteset Array
for i in 1...$scene.loop_spriteset.get_all_multi_fogs.size
# Shorthand for the Unlimited Fog Object
fog = $scene.loop_spriteset.get_all_multi_fogs[i]
# Adjust Fog Position for Loop Display
fog.real_oy -= $game_map.height * 32.0
# Panorama Scroll Speed Adjustment
pscroll_y = ($game_map.pan_scroll_y) ? $game_map.pan_scroll_y / 8.0 : 1.0
# Correct Panorama Display
$game_map.loop_pan_y -= $game_map.height * 16.0 / pscroll_y
# * Correct Loop Down - Game_Player
# - Corrects Player Coordinates, Fogs, and Panoramas on a Map Loop
def correct_loop_down(scroll_dist = 0)
# Set Looped Property for Scripts to check Value for one frame
$game_map.looped = 2
# Fix Player's Position
@y %= $game_map.height
@real_y %= $game_map.height * 128
# Correct Map Display (Optional Arg for Corrections from other scripts)
$game_map.display_y %= $game_map.height * 128
$game_map.display_y -= $game_map.height * 128 + scroll_dist
# Correct Fog Display
$game_map.fog_oy += $game_map.height * 32.0
# If Game Guy's Unlimited Fogs with Heretic's Cloud Altitude
if $scene.loop_spriteset.respond_to?(:get_all_multi_fogs)
# Select each Fog in Spriteset Array
for i in 1...$scene.loop_spriteset.get_all_multi_fogs.size
# Shorthand for the Unlimited Fog Object
fog = $scene.loop_spriteset.get_all_multi_fogs[i]
# Adjust Fog Position for Loop Display
fog.real_oy += $game_map.height * 32.0
# Panorama Scroll Speed Adjustment
pscroll_y = ($game_map.pan_scroll_y) ? $game_map.pan_scroll_y / 8.0 : 1.0
# Correct Panorama Display
$game_map.loop_pan_y += $game_map.height * 16.0 / pscroll_y
# * Map Loop Position - Game_Player
# - Calls for Corrections when Player triggers a Map Loop
def map_loop_position
# Set Looped Property for Scripts to check Value for ONE FRAME
$game_map.looped = nil
# Ignore Corrections if not on a Looping Map
return unless $game_map.loop_type > 0 and (moving? or jumping?)
# If Horizontal Map Loop
if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
# Correct Positions if outside Map Boundaries
correct_loop_left if @real_x < 0
correct_loop_right if @real_x > $game_map.width * 128
# If Horizontal Map Loop
if $game_map.loop_vertical?
# Correct Positions if outside Map Boundaries
correct_loop_up if @real_y < 0
correct_loop_down if @real_y > $game_map.height * 128
# * Update - Game_Player
alias map_loop_update update unless $@
def update
# Update Map Loop Positions
# Call Original or other Aliases
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This might be a bit... unnerving for you... (Size: 939.72 KB / Downloads: 12)
I just made a simple demo... with just those two scripts... and the Panorama is actually frozen in place as you want. If your panorama is moving, its something else in your project or settings.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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 I wonder if anybody is interested in a dungeon boss alert  script.  I mean, you could set some conditions like killing n monsters to trigger it or pressing a button  at a certain spot or getting a specific item...
The script would then play a sound effect and show some icon on screen.  So what do you think about my idea?
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9
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Just some scripts I've already published on the board...
KyoGemBoost XP VX & ACE, RandomEnkounters XP, KSkillShop XP, Kolloseum States XP, KEvents XP, KScenario XP & Gosu, KyoPrizeShop XP Mangostan, Kuests XP, KyoDiscounts XP VX, ACE & MV, KChest XP VX & ACE 2016, KTelePort XP, KSkillMax XP & VX & ACE, Gem Roulette XP VX & VX Ace, KRespawnPoint XP, VX & VX Ace, GiveAway XP VX & ACE, Klearance XP VX & ACE, KUnits XP VX, ACE & Gosu 2017, KLevel XP, KRumors XP & ACE, KMonsterPals XP VX & ACE, KStatsRefill XP VX & ACE, KLotto XP VX & ACE, KItemDesc XP & VX, KPocket XP & VX, OpenChest XP VX & ACE
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06-10-2022, 01:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-10-2022, 05:30 PM by Steel Beast 6Beets.)
(06-10-2022, 03:00 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: This might be a bit... unnerving for you...
I just made a simple demo... with just those two scripts... and the Panorama is actually frozen in place as you want. If your panorama is moving, its something else in your project or settings.
Gah, damn it all... Checking out all my scripts, I had completely forgotten that I was using MOG's Scroll Panorama and Battle Panorama. I... I blame not putting them along with the rest of Mog's scripts. Egg, apply directly to face.
Still, it's interesting there was no game-crashing error despite both scripts doing (relatively speaking) the same, at least to my understanding.
 edit: Indeed, putting MOG's scripts in the JustBothScripts demo causes the issue. And putting Mogs' scripts above Heretic's fixes it but also causes the former to not work at all.
I think I'll settle out with using seamless panoramas for the backgrounds. I tested it and the hiccups are almost unnoticeable.
Posts: 11,422
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Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
Above are clickable links
Posts: 503
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Joined: Sep 2013
Perhaps only tangentially related but I'm reminded of the bribe system from Exit Fate where the game will warm you of an incoming random battle while giving you the option to skip it by paying some money.
It was a pretty interesting risk/reward system.