What's up, RMers?
Did a little test just now and as soon as I did a minor edit to the world map, the memory consumption shot up.

On the same note, I've played a RMXP game that used Mode-7 (BoxxyQuest 2) and there WAS a noticeable slowdown during those maps that I chalked up to my old computer not being up to the task (the game runs much better in my laptop).
You mean "Gathering Storm"? I only just found out about it a couple days ago. Found out I'm credited, though I don't know what for. :D Hosting Ccoa's and Trickster's scripts? ROFL. KK20 did some debugging, so there's that.

As to the 'minor edit to the world map', enlighten us. What was the edit (From...to...)?
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Yeah, that one. I recognized several scripts like Blizzard's analyzing system and SP damage, ForeverZer0's weather system and Mog's animated menus but none of your own scripts. That I could tell, anyway.

As for my edit, well I just removed a location and replaced it by another. I think that simply working on the world map spikes the memory usage.
Implemented all of the files from my last post and then some.
[Image: WQJ9xCt.png]
Then I went about doing a bunch of quality of life changes / updated. A couple of which you can see in this video.

Also updated the HUD party triangle and actor vitals to fit in line with the aesthetic of the rest of the GUI. Also made the in-battle prompts for color mechanics a lot more easy to see and read quickly.
[Image: XQYGkbr.png]
Also got around to redrawing all the spellcircles i lost in the computer brick of 2022.
[Image: OXnRnCb.png]
Here's just one of multiple I did.

However, that is not all. I also went through the database and readministered sound effects to the thankfully few animations using system sounds which have now drastically changed.

HOWEVER! That is still not all! I also implemented some portraits for Porrum and began and finished the five events for Sanctuary. (This was all done in the span of a day.)

I have some videos to show for it, of the 2nd and third parts!


Tomorrow I hope to do the Apophis Labs optional events and do some minor fixes to the rotating images in the menus.
Uhm, is there any script that is able to export all messages of a game into a textfile and import them back into the game?
I want to change a name of character which appears in hundreds of message commands, so it would be cool to have a shortcut for that. :)
(07-26-2024, 11:28 AM)Melana Wrote: Uhm, is there any script that is able to export all messages of a game into a textfile and import them back into the game?
I want to change a name of character which appears in hundreds of message commands, so it would be cool to have a shortcut for that. :)

Text Extraction Generator

Extract into a text file?  YES.  Import it back... no.  
But... the text file returns the Map/Event/Page ID or the CommonEvent ID to each line of text. So while you will need manually change the dialogue in the editor, you will be able to scour through the text file to find each instance.  Good for proofreading.

You may also find THESE handy...

Missing Resources Report Generator
Switch Extraction Generator
Variable Extraction Generator
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Thank you, thats very useful.
So at least I dont have to look for every message where the name appears.^^
Ho ho ho~ So ya girl has been a merry mufugga wastin' all ya's patience because I got all my work done like a week ago and was buggered as all eff so I just didn't post about it!

I'm not apologizing. :0

But now the time has come to share with you some of the work that got done.

First off! I finally updated Cinematic 07 to show the order and windows the actors appear in.

Okay, so that's that!

Secondly, I finished weathering up all the maps I wanted to, this includes boss arenas, some I went particularly ham on, such as the second phase of Tac Talismina's Boss Fight!

And there is so much more!

Now, as for my stickynotes, I have cleared off all on the list, even despite adding more and more as i found more room for improvement.
[Image: ppyuli0.png]
So yes, the Apophis Events are done, here's a still from the first one!
[Image: qhyUegO.png]
It would take too long to share all of the places in which weather has been implemented, but here's some more examples, you might notice Apophis has some very interesting celestial backing now!
[Image: 7dDEYP5.png]
Similar to the Starship YHWH, the Vahnus Estate now also has text that activates on proximity to help you find locations.
[Image: lhzLKzD.png]
Finally, of my work, you may recall the spellcircle I mentioned last post?
Well, now those are implemented in some newly formatted title screen images, as well!
[Image: PR2NljD.png]
Here's a couple more...
[Image: 8em7hYi.png][Image: fqRgy4k.png]
I haven't been the only one doing work either. Although doing all this work was what allowed me to get a pre-release steam build ready for early access, my team has been having some busyness as well!

DerVVulfman: The Voguish Prodigy
Seat of the breaker, his role in the Seventh Heaven is to break my games apart to the best of his abilities and report all that which he finds erraneous, and he has had no shortage of work for me to do, just as is his directive! To give you an example, you may find just one of so far nine or ten feedback summaries in the spoilers.
Content Hidden
And last, but far from least!

Got me some files, and quite a merry few of them, and more are soon to come! (probably!)
[Image: 3KO6nWF.png]
The faceless ones won't be like that forever, that's just when Pjcr doesn't provide a baseline face graphic.
Sooo... a cool content creator did a first impressions of Fantasia and while there were defs a lot of good to be said, he did bring up some valid critical feedback.

I of course spent last night doing all in my power to entirely update the control scheme and make combat a darn sight more fluid, behold!

While this is about all I personally have done... I am not the only one who works on this thing!

Pjcr has been busy a lad, uploading multiple files over the span of this past week!

The Usagi and the Simaja
[Image: mi0U8bi.png]
The faithful followers of Naamah and Eisheth Zenunim respectively.

Serpentesai Female
[Image: kx7Kdbd.png]
Among the faithful followers of Lilith, the Serpentesai believe in love as something more than mere emotion. To them, it is a force which can be repaired, broken and melded as needed. For love to be malleable, one must desire to be shriven of hatred.

The Directors
[Image: EpkVLsp.png]
They direct no more. Slik Vendesse and Vind Sashayon have left their charge of leadership to the True Administrator. Nowadays they direct in a much more humble fashion, but one no less fulfilling!

DerVVulfman also got all the DOH's done up until just before Disk 2! Whew!
(05-16-2024, 05:15 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: I've been thinking about RPG Editors...  Its always the map that confuses people when it comes to making an editor.  Well, the map is saved in the very same converted text format (rxdata, rvdata... whatever) as the rest of the game data in the ruby editions of RPGMaker.

I decided to post a little script here that is my examination...
Time for a follow-up.

Yes, I am still investigating and doing fun hacks to the RPGMaker structure.  But this time, I wondered about the scripts database itself!

You see, the scripts are nothing more than text files that are loaded into the game.  BUT they can be ... massive.  So the scripts database is not only converted from txt format into an .rxdata (or like) format, but the editor also COMPRESSES the text files to save space!

Fortunately, I looked into it, found it uses ZLIB compression (and there are a few areas like RUBY-DOC that describes it), so I found a means to extract each script into something... legible!

module Script_list
  # * Main Processing
  def self.main
    # Access the script database
  # * Search project script database
  def self.script_search
    path_test = "Data/Scripts.rxdata"        # Define scripts database file
    scripts_db = load_data(path_test)        # Load file into memory
    list_size = scripts_db.size              # Acquire total number of scripts
    # Cycle through them all
    for i in 0...list_size                    # Cycle through all scripts
      a_script = scripts_db[i]                # Acquire each individual script
    # --------------------------------------
    # Last script in list is 'Main'.
    # Scripts are listed top-down
    # Below is analysis
    # --------------------------------------
    p a_script                                # A whole record for one script
    p a_script[0]                            # Numeric value currently unknown
    p a_script[1]                            # Script name in editor
    p a_script[2]                            # Script code - encoded/compressed
    new_text = tool_inflate(a_script[2])      # Decoding the script code
    p new_text                                # The script code unencoded shown
  # * ZLib Tool Inflate
  #    data_text : text to be inflated/expanded from encryption
  def self.tool_inflate(data_text)
    zlib_tool  = Zlib::Inflate.new()          # Create the ZLib Inflate tool
    new_text    = zlib_tool.inflate(data_text)  # Decrypt/expand with the tool
    zlib_tool.finish                            # Show work done
    zlib_tool.close                            # Close the tool
    return new_text                            # Return the expanded text
  # * ZLib Tool Deflate
  #    data_text : text to be compressed/encrypted
  #    level    : a defined compression level (see comments)
  def self.deflate(data_text, level = Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION)
    # Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION  (-1)   
    # Zlib::NO_COMPRESSION        0
    # Zlib::BEST_SPEED            1
    # Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION      9
    zlib_tool = Zlib::Deflate.new(level)        # Create the ZLib Inflate tool
    new_text  = zlib_tool.deflate(data_text, Zlib::FINISH)  # Encrypt until done
    zlib_tool.close                            # Close the tool
    return new_text                            # Return the expanded text

# This executes at start

Indeed, this right here can let me open up any script from the database and read it as text IN the game.  And I have included a method that 'compresses' any code into the necessary form which can be properly saved.

Currently, I am only confused as to the purpose of the 'numeric values' attached to each script as identified in my above code.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links

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