The Weekly Gazette 12-29-2024
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December 16 to December 29, 2024
(Bi-Weekly Edition)

Welcome dear readers to the latest issue of the Weekly Gazette!  Here in the Gazette, we give you the news in brief of what occurred in the past week as well as provide any news happening in Save-Point itself

Official Area
  Announcements and Updates
There were more Forum Updates Happening in relation to the RPG Maker Central archive, DerVVulfmanat first thinking he had archived the very last. But his stubborness at being complete forced him to check online for any indication of the games posted within RMC to be found elsewhere. And indeed, he found just over a dozen more which made the archive as complete as possible. Both Ace_V and Remi-chan were impressed with all the hard work.  In victory, DerVVulfman touted a new forum support banner that lists both Creation Asylum and RPG Maker Central as sites archived.

The site is stull dealing with some ups and downs as it was down late last Saturday and into Monday. The issue similar to the last incident, and again with no lost content. Kirito made an appearance, despite he being on vacation and away from the serve, to put on a virtual bandage. But he stated he would look at the error logs to discern what was happening.

Weeks after he joined our community, tsuchiphox made an appearance.  While thoroughly enjoying RPGMaker XP, Tsuchi admits to being bad at making games. However, DerVVulfman gave some support and inquired into Tsuchi's skill set. After presenting some pixel art and screenshots, Remi-chan gave her support and said the art was more imaginative than other games around.

takeiya is a news columnist by trade, and game playing enthusiast. He tried coding in his youth, but is more artistic in his creativity. DerVVulfman pointed him in the direction of our Creativity board if the mood and muse hits. And greetings were also given by Remi-chan.

After visiting the forum time ant time again, faint127 decided to take a chance and join the forum. Immediately, Remi-chan showed up with greetings.

  General Chat
If you wished to ask anyone "What are YouTubing?", you would have found that DerVVulfman was enjoying a musical light show before Christmas.

For the past couple of weeks, some of the News of the World revolved around US President Elect Trump, Georgia Prosecutor Fani Willis removed from prosecuting and Canada beginning to enforce border security amidst the threat of Trump's tariffs. And of the outgoing US President, the Texas Attorney General won a lawsuit preventing Biden from selling any more of the border wall. The events of January 6, 2021 remains in question as it was revealed the FBI had two dozen sources at and within the Capital, and evidence has appeared indicating that Liz Cheney was involved in witness tampering against Trump. Russia hit the news as it continues to bombard Kyiv, but more recently being the main suspect in the downing of a commercial Azerbaijan Airlines flight. Two brothers involved with the Manchester Airport Assault upon two police officers have now been officially charged. And in Croatia, a 7-year old girl and six others wounded when an 18 year old went on a stabbing spree at the Precko Elementary School. The court case for the United Healthcare CEO murder took an unexpected turn when details from the suspect's own notebook revealed the months-long planning. The hundreds of North Korean casualties conscripted into Russia's war against Ukraine, the dissolution of Germany's parliament prior to a snap election, and the death of Former President Jimmy Carter also hit the news.
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Games Development
  Development Discussion
If you wish to share your work with others, you can reveal What's up with other RMers, like how Remi-chan received more resources from her character sprite artist, displaying new sprites and new videos. Meanwhile, DerVVulfman stated he was working on a set of RPGMaker XP scripts based upon the 2007 SDK collection while keeping it compliant with kyonides's HiddenChest project, and relayed how a change within the newer Ruby language forced a change with SDK mechanics. Kyonides and DerVVulfman were at odds over certain commands and means to retrieve object references. While DerVVulfman reported that the command used within kyonides's sample code was for a latter edition of Ruby, kyonides returned with a link to official documentation as proof.

If you wish to see how a game's art is progressing, then venture into the Maps and screenshots thread and behold five screenshots from Remi-chan's game despite the use of a placeholder for one of her game's villainesses.And for kyonides, gaze upon the progress of his Klans system with icons representing the various factions available and the descriptive text for a select clan to the right.

  Complete Projects
Journey to the Galaxy of Xerxes, become the bodyguard of Princess Ellemine and get embroiled in an interstellar feud as Rave Heart is now available at 50% off during Steam's Winter Sale.  But it is a limited time, and the sale ends on the 1st of January.

  Upcoming Projects
Starmage's Heroes of the Seasons is the perfect game for the Holiday season. And this week, you can find it on Steam for half price during its Winter Sale, ending on the 1st of January. Journey to the World of Vyen and defend the village from the Goblin King who wishes to destroy the festivities.

  Code Support
Ace_V has been working on his game for some time, but found issues with Parts of various menus remaining on screen even after exiting the menu. He felt it wasn't his ring menu that had the issue, nor other menus that also had elements remain after exiting. And that was an opinion that DerVVulfman felt. And after following DerVVulfman's suggestion on how to track down the actual culprit within his game, Ace_V found the issue and quickly fixed the problem.

Following a recent post within the What's Up RMers topic, kyonides returned to his Ruby Scripting to provide a discussion on the use of Symbols versus the use of Strings when acquiring data, that they are by intent unique identifiers to a given method or instance variable.

Material Development
There was some back and forth regarding kyonides's HiddenChest RGSS Player Executable topic; first with DerVVulfman unable to locate his last version which was followed by errors that DerVVulfman encountered. Some noted issues were that the Input.repeat? feature was broken and that text did not compress as it always had within the draw_text method. There was banter between the two over kyonides's new 'no_squeeze' method, but repairs to that and the inclusion of a new default setting were made. And while kyonides rolled back changes he made to the Audio system, the issue with the Input.repeat? method is still labeled pending.

  Scripts Database
  RPGMaker XP (RGSS) Engine
In an effort to promote compatability with other scripts under his belt, kyonides revisited his Non Kombatant script for RPGMaker XP and updated the alias command and shortened the replacement method name so other  custom methods will find ease of use.

  RPGMaker VX/VXAce (RGSS2/3) Engines
In an effort to promote compatability with other scripts under his belt, kyonides revisited his Non Kombatant VX + ACE set and updated the alias command and shortened the replacement method name so other  custom methods will find ease of use.

  Resources Database
  2D Resources
Sometimes, the classic vaults that hold treasure within a game are not enough. As such, the Various RMXP sprites by Ace_V now includes a modernized alternative to the typical treasure chest sprite.

Creativity Section
  Music and Audio
Feel free to place an ear to the wall and listen within DoubleX's Music Room. For this past week, "Give Up Everything" is his 10th published song. According to DoubleX, the composition was to express how one may feel if things were so traumatic, that they would seek to end. However, the playful piano melody and the chimes makes me question if DoubleX meant to express relief after unceasing trauma.

  Art and Design
Our forum's museum now has a new wing, one solely dedicated towards Phantom Star Art, and within its hall you will find numerous pieces by xxphantomxstarxx dedicated towards Sonic the Hedgehog.  The clash between Mephiles and Shadow from Sonic '06 headlined the gallery exhibition followed by two renders of the winged master jewel-thief herself, and even some content that is available on RedBubble.

It was two years ago since the stylized art of Remi-chan's Tarot deck graced the corridors of her Neato Arty thread thing!. But since years have passed,she chose to revisit, revise and reveal her updated 2024 set. Meanwhile, Remi-chan also chosen to display a pair of pencil sketches which she believes may become new pieces of art within the coming year.

It may come as a surprise, but a wing within the forum's museum was dedicated towards DerVV's Stream FrankenArts. According to the Resident Werewolf, he had been creating advertisement shots ahead of Let's Play streams run by Siletrea.  In the first week, he said his renders were just for fun, superimposing Siletrea's vTuber model within background screen objects.  But while the renders within his first post appeared simple, the second post he made was more in-depth and detailed as character likenesses were totally usurped. But what to come next?  Within the post, she made mention of extreme work done for Siletrea's Monster Hunter World streams.

Within the pages of Remi-chan's Writing Snippets~, you will be able to glance at upcoming events within her game's universe where enemies become allies and where heroes and demons form alliances. But the page in which Remi chose to recite is merely an opening for the Frostqueen to reveal her true diabolic and terrifying nature.

Well, that's it for this week.

"Kids are expensive, I didn’t even realize how broke I was until last year someone stole my identity and it ruined her life." - Kate Davis


If you are the creator of a thread in Save-Point, you have the option of sending/writing your own entry into the Gazette.  The Gazette accepts write-in announcements (which will be doublechecked).  Likewise, the Gazette would welcome other content such as a comic-strip series, ongoing story arc, or the like. 

Just PM DerVVulfman with the submissions. Submissions must be in by 10pm EST.

Regularly posted  12am (EST) (between Sunday & Monday) based on U.S. Daylight Savings,
4am Monday (UTC), 10pm Sunday(CST/MDT), 6pm Sunday (HST), 6am Monday (CEST),  2pm Monday (AEST) observing daylight savings
5am Monday (UTC), 11pm Sunday(CST), 6pm Sunday (HST), 7am Monday (CET),  3pm Monday (AEST) Not observing daylight savings
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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