If you're messing with the regular one (not the paperdoll system)...
Let's assume you have a character. Let's name him... Fred.
Why not? I used Freddy Kruger's first movie music in the demo.
Now, you normally have a regular character like 001-Fighter_01.png for your character. Let's give your guy a new character... 'Freddy.png'. It's nothing special. We could use '001-Fighter_01', but that's a mouthful. Easier to just say Freddy.png.
No, it didn't need to be FreddyABS.png. I just used BillABS in the demo.
Now, the configuration system has this in the defaults:
# Animation Suffixes ----------------------------------------------------------
SUFFIX_CENTER = "!" # Used for center justified animations
SUFFIX_MELEE = "_melee" # Used for melee attack animations
SUFFIX_MISSILE = "_range" # Used for missile attack animations
# Melee Weapons
# ID Range Mash Delay FStart Kick Jump Suffix
# ================ ===== ===== ======= ======= ===== ==== =======
MELEE_WEAPONS[34] = [ 2, 3, 3, 1, nil, 25, "_sword"]
MELEE_WEAPONS[5] = [ 2, 1, 3, nil, nil, 25, "_sword"]
Now the 'SUFFIX_MELEE' value is set to '_melee'. That means that any melee attack performed will show with a character drawn with '_melee' tacked on to the end. So if you have a "Freddy_melee.png" made up, it will show for any melee attack performed by Fred. That is... it will show unless you set up special weapons in the MELEE_WEAPONS array.
In the MELEE_WEAPONS array above, you have two weapons defined... Weapons #5 and #34. In these cases, it will use a characterset with the '_sword' suffix tacked to the end.
So you could have defined for your Fred character:
"Freddy.png" for his characterset
"Freddy_melee.png" for any melee attack with no specific melee weapons defined.
"Freddy_sword.png" to be used if a weapon is defined in the MELEE_WEAPONS array.
The filename for the attacks and actions is always based upon the name of the characterset in use (Bill.png -- Bill_melee.png // Bob.png -- Bob_club.png)
System safeguard: If a graphic file is not valid, it will not crash the system. A safeguard in Lycan is that it skips loading missing files rather than crashing as it normally would.