Chat Quotes
A thread that should've been made a long time ago. This is the chat quotes thread where you post... a quote or happening in our chat that you found funny.

For those who are wondering, "how can I access the chatroom", just click on the Chat link in the navbar, log in under a desired name and start chatting with us. Try not to log in during the middle of the night though, like say, 3am Eastern.

Alright, time to start!
Quote:[20:15] * Joins: Alpha-Mad (
[20:15] * Alpha-Mad dances
[20:33] <Alpha-Mad>
[20:33] <Alpha-Mad> i know you're there chanserv
[20:33] <Alpha-Mad> one of these days
[20:35] * ChanServ changes topic to ' Chat | Changes: | Participate in our very first contest! | This is a social chat area. Use RMVXP's support forum for your RMing needs. | I love you too, Alpha-Mad.'
[20:35] * ChanServ changes topic to 'We're no strangers to love!'
[20:35] * ChanServ changes topic to 'You know the rules and so do I'
[20:36] * ChanServ changes topic to 'A full commitment's what I'm thinking of. You wouldn't get this from any other guy.'
[20:36] * ChanServ changes topic to 'I just want to tell you how I'm feeling. Gotta make you understand.'
[20:37] * ChanServ changes topic to 'Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you! Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you!'
[20:37] * ChanServ changes topic to ' Chat | Changes: | Participate in our very first contest! | This is a social chat area. Use RMVXP's support forum for your RMing needs.'
[20:39] <Alpha-Mad> that is soooo strange
[20:39] <PK8> Back.
[20:39] <PK8> ... :x
[20:39] <PK8> ROFL.
[20:39] <PK8> That is getting quoted!
I'm sure someone (*coughPKcough*) was doing that lol
Or is ChanServ not run by you guys?
This is on a whole different level of weird...
Quote:[21:32] * Joins: zephire (
[21:32] <Raeosin> Hey zephire!
[21:32] <Raeosin> « I lost my girlfriend because of zephire. »
[21:38] <Guest2411> Don't blame Zephire that your GF went Bi
[21:38] <zephire> yeah
[21:38] <Raeosin> :<
[21:38] <Guest2411> thats your fault because you couldn't do something right in the bed
Raeosin, our naughty pet bot.
Quote:Olivia> +s sex
<wyatt> +s wyatt
<Raeosin> « Well, thanks to wyatt, I'm now bored with sex. »
<Olivia> XD
<wyatt> :X
Curious, is that an Eggbot or IRC bot?
IRC Bot. D:
Quote:[21:05] <Ryuk> !bomb Hsia_Nu
[21:05] <Raeosin> Dann Woolf is tired of you misspelling his name. You have 30 seconds to diffuse his bomb.
[21:05] <Raeosin> Cut one of these 8, pwease? They are: Orange, Yellow, Brown, Teal, Red, Blue, Purple, or Green. (Use !cut <wire>)
[21:05] <Hsia_Nu> die
[21:05] <Hsia_Nu> :D
[21:05] <Ryuk> lolz
[21:05] <Hsia_Nu> !cut yellow
[21:05] <Raeosin> *KABOOM* - Hsia_Nu, you suck. (Failure!)
[21:05] <Ryuk> :)
[21:05] <Hsia_Nu> fuck you raeosin
The most unfair uno game ever.

PK8 vs. KorruptedKore

Quote:[03:30] <KorruptedKore> !deal
[03:30] <Raeosin> PK8 Draws Two and is Skipped! KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:30] <Raeosin> Top Card: [D2]
[03:30] -Raeosin- Drawn Card(s): [8][1]
[03:30] <PK8> Ahhhhhhhh!!!
[03:30] <decibel> lol
[03:30] <KorruptedKore> !pl y d2
[03:30] <Raeosin> PK8 Draws Two and is Skipped! KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:30] <Raeosin> Top Card: [D2]
[03:30] -Raeosin- Drawn Card(s): [6][5]
[03:30] <decibel> LOL
[03:30] <KorruptedKore> !pl WD4 g
[03:30] <Raeosin> PK8 draws 4 cards and is skipped!
[03:30] -Raeosin- Drawn Card(s): [S][8][9][7]
[03:30] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:30] <Raeosin> Top Card: [*]
[03:30] <PK8> This is deci's revenge, isn't it! D:
[03:30] <decibel> LOL
[03:30] <PK8> Ahh screw you!
[03:30] <KorruptedKore> !pl g s
[03:30] <Raeosin> PK8 was Skipped! KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:30] <Raeosin> Top Card: [S]
[03:30] <KorruptedKore> !pl g 7
[03:30] <PK8> what the hell is this
[03:30] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[03:30] <Raeosin> Top Card: [7]
[03:30] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 3 Cards
[03:30] -Raeosin- [2][5][7][8][9][R][4][R][1][4][7][9][S][6][8]
[03:30] <KorruptedKore> good hand
[03:30] <KorruptedKore> lol
[03:31] <PK8> that.... was not cool. ;O;
[03:31] <decibel> pk8 gets 8 cards at the beginning
[03:31] <decibel> even Raeosin helped lol
[03:31] <KorruptedKore> it's what happens when deci doesn't play
[03:31] <KorruptedKore> !count
[03:31] <decibel> lol porbably
[03:31] <KorruptedKore> you have 15 cards, i have 3
[03:31] <decibel> O.o
[03:31] <decibel> lol
[03:31] <PK8> !play g 4
[03:31] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:31] <Raeosin> Top Card: [4]
[03:31] <KorruptedKore> come on, whats the worst could happen it's your turn
[03:31] <KorruptedKore> lol
[03:31] <KorruptedKore> !pl wd4 r
[03:31] <Raeosin> PK8 draws 4 cards and is skipped!
[03:31] -Raeosin- Drawn Card(s): [6][3][7][W]
[03:31] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:31] <Raeosin> Top Card: [*]
[03:31] <KorruptedKore> !pl r 9
[03:31] <PK8> wtf!!!
[03:31] <Raeosin> Uno! KorruptedKore has one card left!
[03:31] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[03:31] <Raeosin> Top Card: [9]
[03:31] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 1 Cards
[03:31] -Raeosin- [2][5][6][7][8][9][R][R][1][4][7][7][9][S][3][6][8][W]
[03:31] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:32] <PK8> !play r 1
[03:32] <KorruptedKore> lol
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:32] <Raeosin> Top Card: [1]
[03:32] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore draws a card.
[03:32] <KorruptedKore> !pass
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore passes, PK8's turn.
[03:32] <Raeosin> Top Card: [1]
[03:32] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 2 Cards
[03:32] -Raeosin- [2][5][6][7][8][9][R][R][4][7][7][9][S][3][6][8][W]
[03:32] <PK8> !play r 4
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:32] <Raeosin> Top Card: [4]
[03:32] <KorruptedKore> you have 17 cards
[03:32] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore draws a card.
[03:32] <decibel> lol
[03:32] <KorruptedKore> !pass
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore passes, PK8's turn.
[03:32] <Raeosin> Top Card: [4]
[03:32] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 3 Cards
[03:32] -Raeosin- [2][5][6][7][8][9][R][R][7][7][9][S][3][6][8][W]
[03:32] <PK8> !play r 9
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:32] <Raeosin> Top Card: [9]
[03:32] <KorruptedKore> !pl y 9
[03:32] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[03:32] <Raeosin> Top Card: [9]
[03:32] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 2 Cards
[03:32] -Raeosin- [2][5][6][7][8][9][R][R][7][7][S][3][6][8][W]
[03:32] <PK8> !play y 3
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:32] <Raeosin> Top Card: [3]
[03:32] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore draws a card.
[03:32] <KorruptedKore> !pl y r
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore Reversed it! KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:32] <Raeosin> Top Card: [R]
[03:32] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore draws a card.
[03:32] <KorruptedKore> !pl r r
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore Reversed it! KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:32] <Raeosin> Top Card: [R]
[03:32] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:32] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore draws a card.
[03:33] <KorruptedKore> !pass
[03:33] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore passes, PK8's turn.
[03:33] <Raeosin> Top Card: [R]
[03:33] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 3 Cards
[03:33] -Raeosin- [2][5][6][7][8][9][R][R][7][7][S][6][8][W]
[03:33] <KorruptedKore> lol
[03:33] <KorruptedKore> i was hopin to get rid of another card, but no
[03:33] <KorruptedKore> lol
[03:33] <PK8> !play g r
[03:33] <PK8> !play b r
[03:33] <PK8> !play b 2
[03:33] <Raeosin> PK8 Reversed it! PK8's turn.
[03:33] <Raeosin> Top Card: [R]
[03:33] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 3 Cards
[03:33] -Raeosin- [2][5][6][7][8][9][R][7][7][S][6][8][W]
[03:33] <Raeosin> PK8 Reversed it! PK8's turn.
[03:33] <Raeosin> Top Card: [R]
[03:33] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 3 Cards
[03:33] -Raeosin- [2][5][6][7][8][9][7][7][S][6][8][W]
[03:33] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:33] <Raeosin> Top Card: [2]
[03:33] <KorruptedKore> raeosin is gonna make me lose just to spite me
[03:33] <KorruptedKore> !pl b 8
[03:33] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[03:33] <Raeosin> Top Card: [8]
[03:33] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 2 Cards
[03:33] -Raeosin- [5][6][7][8][9][7][7][S][6][8][W]
[03:33] <PK8> !play b 5
[03:33] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:33] <Raeosin> Top Card: [5]
[03:33] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:33] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore draws a card.
[03:33] <KorruptedKore> !pass
[03:33] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore passes, PK8's turn.
[03:33] <Raeosin> Top Card: [5]
[03:33] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 3 Cards
[03:33] -Raeosin- [6][7][8][9][7][7][S][6][8][W]
[03:34] <PK8> !play b 9
[03:34] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:34] <Raeosin> Top Card: [9]
[03:34] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:34] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore draws a card.
[03:34] <KorruptedKore> !pl b 1
[03:34] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[03:34] <Raeosin> Top Card: [1]
[03:34] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 3 Cards
[03:34] -Raeosin- [6][7][8][7][7][S][6][8][W]
[03:34] <PK8> !play b 6
[03:34] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:34] <Raeosin> Top Card: [6]
[03:34] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:34] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore draws a card.
[03:34] <KorruptedKore> !pass
[03:34] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore passes, PK8's turn.
[03:34] <Raeosin> Top Card: [6]
[03:34] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 4 Cards
[03:34] -Raeosin- [7][8][7][7][S][6][8][W]
[03:34] <PK8> !play y 6
[03:34] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:34] <Raeosin> Top Card: [6]
[03:34] <KorruptedKore> !pl y 1
[03:34] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[03:34] <Raeosin> Top Card: [1]
[03:34] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 3 Cards
[03:34] -Raeosin- [7][8][7][7][S][8][W]
[03:34] <PK8> !play y 8
[03:34] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:34] <Raeosin> Top Card: [8]
[03:34] <KorruptedKore> !pl g 8
[03:34] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[03:34] <Raeosin> Top Card: [8]
[03:34] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 2 Cards
[03:34] -Raeosin- [7][8][7][7][S][W]
[03:34] <PK8> !play b 8
[03:34] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:34] <Raeosin> Top Card: [8]
[03:34] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:34] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore draws a card.
[03:34] <KorruptedKore> !pass
[03:34] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore passes, PK8's turn.
[03:34] <Raeosin> Top Card: [8]
[03:34] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 3 Cards
[03:34] -Raeosin- [7][7][7][S][W]
[03:34] <PK8> !play b 7
[03:34] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:34] <Raeosin> Top Card: [7]
[03:34] <KorruptedKore> !pl y 7
[03:34] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[03:34] <Raeosin> Top Card: [7]
[03:34] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 2 Cards
[03:34] -Raeosin- [7][7][S][W]
[03:35] <PK8> !play r 7
[03:35] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:35] <Raeosin> Top Card: [7]
[03:35] <KorruptedKore> !pl d2
[03:35] <Raeosin> You don't have that card KorruptedKore.
[03:35] <KorruptedKore> !pl r d2
[03:35] <Raeosin> Uno! KorruptedKore has one card left!
[03:35] <Raeosin> PK8 Draws Two and is Skipped! KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:35] <Raeosin> Top Card: [D2]
[03:35] -Raeosin- Drawn Card(s): [3][1]
[03:35] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:35] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore draws a card.
[03:35] <KorruptedKore> !pass
[03:35] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore passes, PK8's turn.
[03:35] <Raeosin> Top Card: [D2]
[03:35] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 2 Cards
[03:35] -Raeosin- [7][S][1][3][W]
[03:35] <KorruptedKore> !count
[03:35] <PK8> !play r s
[03:35] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore was Skipped! PK8's turn.
[03:35] <Raeosin> Top Card: [S]
[03:35] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 2 Cards
[03:35] -Raeosin- [7][1][3][W]
[03:35] <PK8> !play r 7
[03:35] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:35] <Raeosin> Top Card: [7]
[03:35] <KorruptedKore> wow, you got close
[03:35] <KorruptedKore> !pl b 7
[03:35] <Raeosin> Uno! KorruptedKore has one card left!
[03:35] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[03:35] <Raeosin> Top Card: [7]
[03:35] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 1 Cards
[03:35] -Raeosin- [1][3][W]
[03:35] <PK8> !play w y
[03:35] <Raeosin> PK8 changed the color to Yellow. KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:35] <Raeosin> Top Card: [*]
[03:35] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:35] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore draws a card.
[03:35] <KorruptedKore> !pass
[03:35] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore passes, PK8's turn.
[03:35] <Raeosin> Top Card: [*]
[03:35] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 2 Cards
[03:35] -Raeosin- [1][3]
[03:35] <PK8> !play y 3
[03:35] <Raeosin> Uno! PK8 has one card left!
[03:35] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:35] <Raeosin> Top Card: [3]
[03:35] <KorruptedKore> !draw
[03:35] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore draws a card.
[03:35] <KorruptedKore> !pl g 3
[03:35] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[03:35] <Raeosin> Top Card: [3]
[03:35] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 2 Cards
[03:35] -Raeosin- [1]
[03:35] <PK8> !draw
[03:35] -Raeosin- Drawn Card(s): [6]
[03:35] <Raeosin> PK8 draws a card.
[03:36] <PK8> !play g 6
[03:36] <Raeosin> Uno! PK8 has one card left!
[03:36] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:36] <Raeosin> Top Card: [6]
[03:36] <decibel> wow
[03:36] <KorruptedKore> !pl g 5
[03:36] <Raeosin> Uno! KorruptedKore has one card left!
[03:36] <Raeosin> PK8's turn.
[03:36] <Raeosin> Top Card: [5]
[03:36] -Raeosin- Next: | KorruptedKore - 1 Cards
[03:36] -Raeosin- [1]
[03:36] <PK8> !draw
[03:36] -Raeosin- Drawn Card(s): [1]
[03:36] <Raeosin> PK8 draws a card.
[03:36] <KorruptedKore> lucky
[03:36] <PK8> Dammit!
[03:36] <PK8> !play g 1
[03:36] <Raeosin> Uno! PK8 has one card left!
[03:36] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore's turn.
[03:36] <Raeosin> Top Card: [1]
[03:36] <decibel> tight game
[03:36] <KorruptedKore> !pl g 1
[03:36] <Raeosin> We have a winner! Go KorruptedKore
[03:36] <Raeosin> KorruptedKore gains 1 points. For a total of 332 points, and a total of 16 games played.
[03:36] <KorruptedKore> lol
[03:36] <decibel> 1 point lol
[03:36] <KorruptedKore> amazing how close you got with such a handicap
[03:36] <KorruptedKore> lol
Hah, that game was priceless... lol

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