Player's Current Position Indicator 4.10.1 (fka Arrow Over Player's Head)
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Player's Current Position Indicator
Version 4.10.1
Formerly known as Arrow over Player's Head

This was originally made back in late 2005 in response to the beautiful yet elaborate maps the RPG Maker community were making through RPG Maker XP. Ever since it's inception, it has seen nothing but steady improvement over the years.

This system allows the developer to give the player the option to activate an indicator which would usually appear above the player's character sprite. Should the player find themselves lost or buried underneath all of the "scenery pornq" the developer's project might provide, this could prove useful.

People have made use of an earlier version of this system for other purposes, using it with a Squad-Based movement system to let the player know who's the leading party member.

  • Set one of five ways to have the indicator activate and deactivate
    • Hold: Hold the Input button to activate the indicator, release to deactivate.
    • Toggle: Tap the Input button to activate the indicator, tap again to deactivate.
    • Passability: The system will check a certain number of tiles below the player to determine whether the tile is passable or not. If it isn't passable, and the indicator hasn't been activated, it will activate. If it is passable, and the indicator was activated, it will deactivate. There are certain exceptions you can set to this.*

      * PCPI for RMVX only has the basic "check tiles for passability" functionality. In order to enhance this to make use of the settings involving terrain tags, you will have to include DerVVulfman's VX Tileset Reader script into your project and then set PK8_PCPI['derv_tsr'] to true.
    • Terrain: The indicator would activate if the player steps on a tile tagged with a certain terrain tag. If tagged otherwise, the indicator would deactivate.**

      ** In order to use this feature for the RMVX version of this system, you will have to include DerVVulfman's VX Tileset Reader script into your project and then set PK8_PCPI['derv_tsr'] to true.
    • Constant: Unless certain switches and maps prevent this from doing so, the indicator will remain activated on a constant basis.
  • Set this system to be disabled or enabled in certain maps.
  • Customize the indicator's graphic. Set the File, X/Y Origin(New), X/Y Offset, Zoom, Angle, Tone, Opacity, and Blend Type.
  • Set the button used to activate/deactivate the indicator. (Hold/Toggle modes only)
  • Set sound cues used for activating and deactivating the indicator, as well as being unable to activate the indicator under certain conditions.
  • Set whether or not the system should turn off if the player's Transparency Flag is turned on.
  • and more...
What's New?
Since Version 4 (August 14th, 2010)
  • The system was coded from scratch again.
  • v3's bugs with the indicator during transfer were fixed.
  • Terrain-based mode was improved. Creators were able to specify more than one terrain tag.
Since Version 4.1 (May 10th, 2011)
  • The common event which housed the information on the system and the settings, as well as the system itself were split into 3 common events due to a strange slowdown I received (not lag) during gameplay because there were too many comment event commands. (I am not making this up.)
  • Every setting is now housed inside a single hash instead of being it's own CONSTANT variable. (They now look like this "PK8_SYS['setting']" rather than "PK8_SYS_SETTING."
  • Passability mode received quite an overhaul. In versions prior to 4.1, the system would check the tile below the player to determine if it was considered passable. If so, the indicator would stay hidden/deactivate. If not, the indicator would appear. This particular mode was given three new settings to help it out: "pass_dist", "pass_terr_hide", and "pass_terr_show."
  • In the RPG Maker VX version, a new setting named "derv_tsr" was added. It was intended to be used with DerVVulfman's VX Tileset Reader script to help enhance the functionality of the passability mode and to enable access to terrain mode.
  • Terrain mode was finally added to the RPG Maker VX version of this system but requires DerVVulfman's VX Tileset Reader script in order to be used.
Since Version 4.5 (May 28th, 2011)
  • The system received a name change that was long overdue.
  • System Switch setting added.
  • New Constant mode added.
  • System sound cues added.
  • New "map_on" setting added. (Now you can set whether map IDs listed in the "map_ids" setting enables or disables the system.)
  • The responsiveness in Toggle mode has been improved.
  • The "mids" setting has been renamed to "map_ids"
Since Version 4.8 (May 30th, 2011)
  • New "trans_off" setting allows you to decide if the system should turn itself off should the player's Transparency Flag be turned on.
  • New origins setting allows developers to set where the indicator should be positioned from. (Ex: Center top of character, Left center of character, etc.)
  • Devs can now set the angle of the indicator.
Since Version 4.8.1 (May 31st, 2011)
  • I fixed a serious bug in v4.8. The game would mess up whenever the player tried to save their file. That was because I was calling a character bitmap, when I was only trying to get their width and height. That's fixed.
  • In the VX version of this system, I made an error and botched a conditional. I wrote a conditional which involved a variable that had nothing to do with the system. (I was writing a conditional checking if @sign contained "$", but the problem was that there was no such variable. The variable I meant to use was @las.)
Since Version 4.9 (May 31st, 2011)
  • Devs aren't restricted to using arrays for specifying values for settings such as 'map_ids', 'cons_map_ids', 'pass_terr_show', 'pass_terr_hide', 'terrain', 'pass_terr_hide_adv', 'pass_terr_show_adv', and 'terrain_adv'. They can use a value.
  • Users can now set which terrain tags in certain tilesets would make the indicator appear or disappear. [RMXP Only]
Since Version 4.10 (June 21st, 2011)
  • To anyone who's a fan of the passability mode, you can now set where the loop starts using the 'pass_dist_from' setting.
  • 'pass_dist' has been renamed to 'pass_dist_to'.
Since Version 4.11 (August 13th, 2011)
  • This version has a minor update. Error sound cues will not sound off when having the system's system switch set to true.

[Image: 2.png]
Player's Current Position Indicator in action on RPG Maker XP.

[Image: 3.png]
Player's Current Position Indicator in action on RPG Maker VX.

[Image: 4.png]
The indicator with it's tone adjusted.

[Image: 6.png]
The indicator positioning itself according to the size of the leading actor with the use of new Origin settings. PK8_PCPI['a_originx'] is set to 2 (center), PK8_PCPI['a_originy'] is set to 1 (top), PK8_PCPI['a_y'] is set to -24.

How to Install
Copy-paste all three common events into your project. Depending on how far into development you are with your project, you should probably change the condition switch of the [System] common event. Also make sure to copy the "indicator.png" file from the demo's Pictures directory into your project's Pictures directory.

DerVVulfman's VX Tileset Reader script is included in the PCPI VX Demo. If you're looking to use the enhanced Passability-based mode or the new Terrain-based mode, be sure to copy and paste the script into your project. If you're looking for DerVVulfman's VX Tileset Feature Editor, it isn't included in the demo.

If you're not liking the indicator I made, you may feel free to create your own! I'd recommend making one that has the dimensions of 16/32/48 x 16/32/48. When you're done making your indicator, please save it inside the Graphics/Pictures directory.

They aren't really frequently asked, but why the heck not.
  1. Q: How do I install the system?
    A: Simply copy and paste the three common events (PCPI [1: Sys Notes], PCPI [2: Set Notes], PCPI [3: System]) to your project. If you've already made progress on your project, you might want to change the condition switch to a switch you haven't used before.
  2. Q: What is this?
    PK8_PCPI['map_ids'] = [998, 999]
    PK8_PCPI['map_on'] = false
    PK8_PCPI['sys_switch_id'] = 50
    PK8_PCPI['method'] = 2
    A: They're settings which you can customize. Be sure to visit out the Settings link, or the "PCPI [2: Set Notes]" common event for all sorts of information on each of the settings. Every setting will look somewhat like this: PK8_SYS['setting'] = value
  3. Q: What is PK8_PCPI = {} and why shouldn't I modify it?
    A: It is a hash, also known as an "associative array." I just use it to house all of my settings into one constant, which is that very hash. If you're looking to learn more about hashes, search the web for "Hash Ruby."
  4. Q: I want to make the player hold a button in order to have the indicator show up. Can I do it?
    A: Yes. Set PK8_PCPI['method'] to 0
  5. Q: I want the player to tap a button to make the indicator appear, then tap it again to make it disappear. How do I do that?
    A: Go into the common event, select the "PCPI [3: System]" common event, select the call script containing "PK8_PCPI['method']" and then set PK8_PCPI['method'] to 1.
  6. Q: How do I set a button for it?
    A: You can change it in the PK8_PCPI['button'] setting. Refer to RPG Maker XP/VX's help file, find the "Game Controls" page (search for "Game Controls"), and then read the table within the "Basic Controls" section.
  7. Q: What if I don't want the player to use the indicator in certain maps?
    A: It's possible. Set PK8_PCPI['map_on'] to false, and then specify specific map IDs that would disable the system through the PK8_PCPI['map_ids'] setting.
  8. Q: How do I get the map's ID?
    A: In your editor, move your mouse over to the bottom-left of your screen and click on any map of your choosing, and then look at the bottom right of your screen. At the bottom right of your screen, you should see something that looks somewhat like this:
    [Image: 5.png]
    See the "001" up there? That would be the map ID. Whenever specifying map IDs, don't include the leading zeros. (e.g.: 004, 012, 020)
  9. Q: I want to allow this system to be used on only certain maps. Is it possible?
    A: It is. First, set PK8_PCPI['map_on'] to true, and then specify specific map IDs that would allow the system to be used through the PK8_PCPI['map_ids'] setting.
  10. Q: What is PK8_PCPI['sys_switch_id'] (System Switch ID), and what is it's purpose?
    A: It's there to provide a safer way to turn off the system. Whenever the specified switch is turned on, the system would be disabled as a result. (In case you're not looking to use another switch, you can always set it to 0.
  11. Q: Can I make the indicator appear through other means, besides holding or tapping a button?
    A: Yes. In the readme, check out the five different ways the indicator can appear/disappear.
  12. Q: How do I know or set which tiles are passable?
    A: If you're using RPG Maker XP, head to the Database (Press F9, or go to Tools > Database), and then click on the Tilesets tab. Through the simple passage editor, you can mark certain tiles as either O (passable) or X (impassable). If you'd like to get a little more advanced, there's Passage (4-Dir).

    A: For RPG Maker VX users, head to Passage Settings (Press F3, or go to Mode > Passage Settings). Like RPG Maker XP, you can mark tiles as either O or X. If you're looking to go advanced, you'll need to find a 3rd party script which gives the tilesets features that were present in RPG Maker XP but lacking in RPG Maker VX such as 4-way passages, and terrain tags. One such script that I know of (which this system supports) is DerVVulfman's VX Tileset Reader script. This demo does not include DerVVulfman's VX Tileset Feature Editor which you will have to find by searching the web.
  13. Q: How do I set terrain tags for tiles?
    A: If you're using RPG Maker XP, head to the Database (Press F9, or go to Tools > Database), click on the Tilesets tab, and then click on the "Terrain" button. From there, you get to mark tiles with terrain tags from 0 to 7.

    A: If you're using RPG Maker VX, you'll have to search the web for DerVVulfman's VX Tileset Reader script as well as his VX Tileset Feature Editor, since RPG Maker VX doesn't provide terrain tags or advanced passability out of the box like RPG Maker XP does.
  14. Q: Could you help me with [b]DerVVulfman's VX Tileset Reader script and his VX Tileset Feature Editor?[/b]
    A: No. While I did make use of his script and his feature editor, it's something I can't help you with. DerVVulfman still provides support for his script, and you'll be much better off finding support from him.
Credits and Thanks
  • If you're using the VX version of this system and you've set PK8_PCPI['derv_tsr'] to true and included DerVVulfman's VX Tileset Reader, please give him some form of due credit in your project.
  • DerVVulfman taught me how to create for loops after I had forgotten all about it. (v4.1)
  • Kain Nobel for inspiring me to make this system again. (v3, v4)
  • DerVVulfman for suggesting names for settings "map_ids" and "map_on." (v4.5)
  • A chat with Rosair about the system unintentionally made me think of new ideas for features. (v4.5)
  • DerVVulfman helped out in finding a way to get the bitmap width and height of the leading actor's sprite, which helped made the origins settings possible. (v4.8)
  • xnadvance and Mercenary liked the idea behind the 'pass_dist_from' setting, so I decided to throw it in. (v4.10)
Author's Notes
Unfortunately, this system still makes use of RPG Maker's Picture IDs. I can't do much of anything about that.
Getting the new origins settings to work in RPG Maker VX was a bit of a challenge. Thankfully, I ripped some of the code from RMVX's Sprite_Character class. (v4.8)

License / Terms
This is free for commercial and non-commercial use. All I ask for is that I am provided credit somewhere in your project, should you use this. Please credit me as PK8 or ThePK8.

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Hey, just posting to say this system has been bumped up to version 4.5!

Here's what's changed:
  • The system received a name change that was long overdue.
  • System Switch setting added.
  • New Constant mode added. (The indicator would appear constantly.)
  • System sound cues added.
  • New "map_on" setting added. (Now you can set whether map IDs listed in the "map_ids" setting enables or disables the system.)
  • The responsiveness in Toggle mode has been improved.
  • The "mids" setting has been renamed to "map_ids"

If you find any bugs, be sure to let me know. If you have any idea for features you'd like to see implemented, send them in. Version 4.6 is definitely in the cards.
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Bumping up to version 4.8!

What's new?
  • New "trans_off" setting allows you to decide if the system should turn itself off should the player's Transparency Flag be turned on.
  • New origins setting allows developers to set where the indicator should be positioned from. (Ex: Center top of character, Left center of character, etc.)
  • Devs can now set the angle of the indicator.
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Bumping up to version 4.8.1. To anyone who's downloaded v4.8, please upgrade. There's a really huge bug in v4.8 that I fixed.

What's new?
  • I fixed a serious bug in v4.8. The game would mess up whenever the player tried to save their file. That was because I was calling a character bitmap, when I was only trying to get their width and height. That's fixed.
  • In the VX version of this system, I made an error and botched a conditional. I wrote a conditional which involved a variable that had nothing to do with the system. (I was writing a conditional checking if @sign contained "$", but the problem was that there was no such variable. The variable I meant to use was @las.)
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I should've bumped this up to version 4.9 a long time ago, but today's downtime kept me from updating this thread.

What's new for version 4.9?
  • Devs aren't restricted to using arrays for specifying values for settings such as 'map_ids', 'cons_map_ids', 'pass_terr_show', 'pass_terr_hide', 'terrain', 'pass_terr_hide_adv', 'pass_terr_show_adv', and 'terrain_adv'. They can use a value.
  • Users can now set which terrain tags in certain tilesets would make the indicator appear or disappear. [RMXP Only]

This is getting updated to version 4.11 in a few minutes anyhow.
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Updated to version 4.11.

What's new?
  • Devs can now set how many frames longer would the indicator appear before it disappears (when it's about to deactivate) through the 'disappear_delay' setting.
  • To anyone who's a fan of the passability mode, you can now set where the loop starts using the 'pass_dist_from' setting.
  • pass_dist' has been renamed to 'pass_dist_to'.

Edit: I don't have a lot of ideas left in the tank. If you have any you'd like to see implemented, suggest them.

This update sucks.
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"Updated to version 4.10"

Version 4.11 was actually terrible. For some awkward reason, certain modes hated the "disappear_delay" feature I added, so I had to remove it. Version v4.10 is basically v4.11 without the disappear delay feature.

I also uploaded a video in an attempt to showcase some of the features available in the system.

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Updated to version 4.10.1
Quote:This version has a minor update. Error sound cues will not sound off when having the system's system switch set to true.

4.11's coming. Not possible at this moment in time.
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The downloads for this no longer work. Thought you should know. :)
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Oh, geez. All his stuff was on a Co.CC site? Co.CC is now gone! Eep!
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
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