XP Wave Effect
XP Wave Effect
por zecomeia


Modifications in Sprite class to use the wave effect of RGSS2.


* Muito fiel ao efeito do RMVX

Screen Shot

[Image: xpeaveeffectss.png]




* Paste the script up of main;
* Use how on RGSS2, if don't know, search for RGSS reference manual in help file of RMVX.


# XP Wave Effect
#by:      zecomeia
#date:    01/03/2010
#for:     RGSS
#version: 1.0
Reproduction of the VX's wave effect
(see the help file of the RPGMaker VX
in the RGSS manual reference topic)

# Sprite class #
class Sprite
  include Math
  attr_accessor   :wave_amp
  attr_accessor   :wave_length
  attr_accessor   :wave_speed
  attr_accessor   :wave_phase
  attr_accessor   :temp_bitmap
  alias initialize default_initialize rescue nil
  alias default_initialize initialize
  def initialize(viewport=nil)
    @wave_amp = 0
    @wave_length = 180
    @wave_speed = 360
    @wave_phase = 0.0
    @temp_bitmap = nil
  alias update default_update rescue nil
  alias default_update update  
  def update()
    # the wave effect only works if wave_amp
    # propertie is a number more than zero
    wave_effect if @wave_amp > 0
  # Return the width of image, because when use
  # obj.bitmap.width the value will be more than
  # the original value(because effect)
  def width()
    return (self.bitmap.width - @wave_amp * 2)
  # Wave Effect
  def wave_effect()
    return if self.bitmap.nil?
    @temp_bitmap = self.bitmap if @temp_bitmap.nil?
    cw = @temp_bitmap.width + (@wave_amp * 2)
    ch = @temp_bitmap.height
    # Follow the VX wave effect, each horizontal line
    # has 8 pixel of height. This device provides less
    # lag in game.
    divisions = @temp_bitmap.height / 8
    divisions += 1 if @temp_bitmap.height % 8 != 0
    self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(cw, ch)
    for i in 0..divisions
      x = @wave_amp * Math.sin(i * 2 * PI / (@wave_length / 8).to_i + Math.deg_to_rad(@wave_phase))
      src_rect = Rect.new(0, i*8, @temp_bitmap.width, 8)
      dest_rect = Rect.new(@wave_amp + x, i * 8, @temp_bitmap.width, 8)
      self.bitmap.stretch_blt(dest_rect, @temp_bitmap, src_rect)
    # frame rate: VX = 60 | XP = 40
    # wave speed compatibility VX to XP: wave_speed * 60/40
    # then: wave_speed * 1.5
    @wave_phase += @wave_speed * 1.5 / @wave_length
    @wave_phase -= 360 if @wave_phase > 360
    @wave_phase += 360 if @wave_phase < 0

# module Math #
module Math
  # Conversion Degree to Radian
  def Math.deg_to_rad(deg)
    return (deg * PI) / 180.0

Credits and Thanks

[Image: 88x31.png]

Scripts RGSS, Resources, Tutorials and Translations by zecomeia is licensed under a
Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Compartilhamento pela mesma Licença 2.5 Brasil License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Santuário RPG Maker
Moving this to the scripts section.

Edit: Haha, I like it! But I get a bit of lag using it. I was trying it out on the title sprite with wave_amp and wave_length set to 320. :P Still, this is pretty cool. :)
Quote:Moving this to the scripts section.
Sorry, I was distracted when I posted the script.

The lag is a really problem, but I don't know how to decrease it and keep the normal operation.
I am free for sugestions ^^

only use radians instead of degrees. If you want the user to be able to use degrees, write a setter and a getter that converts it.

Im not sure how optimized the cos() and sin() functions are in ruby. It might be faster if you calc the values of the cos() and sin() when the game starts, and cache it into a table, so that you don't have to calc it every frame update.
Nice! and doesn't lag very much for me, just a little bit.

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