What's up, RMers?
That's awesome.

I'm working on trying to make a bunch of stuff for the Windowskin Generator. At the moment, I've made 213 recolours for backgrounds since this generator I'm using lacks a Hue/Saturation/Brightness option. I will also have to make a variety of styles and patterns for the background part of the Windowskin.

Note to self, do the following:
  1. Solid Colors
  2. Linear Gradients: 0 degrees
  3. Linear Gradients: 45 degrees
  4. Linear Gradients: 90 degrees (In progress)
  5. Linear Gradients: 135 degrees
  6. Linear Gradients: 180 degrees
  7. Linear Gradients: 225 degrees
  8. Linear Gradients: 270 degrees
  9. Linear Gradients: 315 degrees
  10. Radial Gradients: Middle
  11. Radial Gradients: Corners
  12. Angle Gradients: 0 degrees
  13. Angle Gradients: 45 degrees
  14. Angle Gradients: 90 degrees
  15. Angle Gradients: 135 degrees
  16. Angle Gradients: 180 degrees
  17. Angle Gradients: 225 degrees
  18. Angle Gradients: 270 degrees
  19. Angle Gradients: 315 degrees
  20. Angle Gradients: 0 degrees reversed
  21. Angle Gradients: 45 degrees reversed
  22. Angle Gradients: 90 degrees reversed
  23. Angle Gradients: 135 degrees reversed
  24. Angle Gradients: 180 degrees reversed
  25. Angle Gradients: 225 degrees reversed
  26. Angle Gradients: 270 degrees reversed
  27. Angle Gradients: 315 degrees reversed
  28. Reflected Gradients: 90 degrees
  29. Reflected Gradients: 135 degrees
  30. Reflected Gradients: 180 degrees
  31. Reflected Gradients: 225 degrees
  32. Reflected Gradients: 90 degrees reversed
  33. Reflected Gradients: 135 degrees reversed
  34. Reflected Gradients: 180 degrees reversed
  35. Reflected Gradients: 225 degrees reversed
  36. Diamond Gradients: 0 degrees
  37. Diamond Gradients: 45 degrees
  38. Diamond Gradients: 0 degrees reversed
  39. Diamond Gradients: 45 degrees reversed
  40. Simplistic Gloss
  41. Simplistic Gloss Reversed
  42. Gradient Gloss
  43. Gradient Gloss Reversed
  44. All sorts of other stuff

So that means... OVER NINE THOUSAND images to create! No, seriously! :P Wish me luck, guys. ^_^

Edit: Okay, seriously, I'm not sure if I can do all of that. I'm looking for JS libraries on hue/saturation/brigtness and image rotation.
Alright, this windowskin project's on hiatus for a few reasons, most of them pertaining to the site change coming in a few weeks.

I'm currently working on a new script for RMVX users, I'm trying to finish it up. In this new script I'm working on, you'll be able to set "strings" and which strings update on their own. Here's a small taste of what it can do.
[Image: 2j42hxw.png]

I wish I could make it for RMXP but the way it's scripted is just horrible. The SDK intimidates me.
Still working on the strings script for RMVX. So far, I've made 246 strings, 82 each meant for party members 0 (first) to 2 (third). I need to make 82 more strings for party member 3 (fourth). Then I've to work on more strings.
Oh, another Ara Fell fan? Cheery

Eep? Um, what if you decided to have 16 heroes in your party?

Well, I'm bored at work. Can't wait to get home and sit down to some nice, safe scripting. I'll probably work on that request in my 'Vehicle' thread.
...Crud. o_o; That would make 1312 strings for the entire party. D:
@ PK8
Can you make arrays?
Game_String[55] = ['Aluxes', 'Basil', 'Cyrus', 'Dorothy', 'Estelle'..... ]

That way, your string could be /GS[55][2] to bring up 'Cyrus'

Hey! You gave me some scripting to do !!! Cheery
The variable I'm using is a hash. D:
I believe this is day four of me working on the string script. So I'm done with setting pretty much all of the strings. Or so I thought. Now I feel like the number of strings are too numerous and probably intimidating. Plus I'm sure users don't want to start their custom strings at ID 405.

I have an idea though. I might be able to map the strings to NEGATIVE integers and then everyone will be happy, or so I hope. :D That's going to take me a few hours. D:
I'm turning the CTB into an ATB... well sort of... [Image: th_atb.jpg]
Charlie... they will never stop asking. Why read a manual and flip through the pages when they can ask the source? Meh... it'll cut down on questions though. Still, I do have Animbat for VX you can work with. I got no problem there.

BLITZBALL??!! :smile:

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